Goal: (Synergy between AI and Ethics) | Release:
http://www.whyfuture.com/single-post/2016/11/06/The-Blueprints-towards-the-Development-of-Good-Artificial-IntelligenceRead over the article and topics.
Submit an topic Idea, for example: "One-Dimensional Intelligent AI", create a short summary on what it is about.
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BTCSummary:-Avoiding The Development of a One-Dimensional Intelligent AI
-The Ethical Paradox, and being too efficient can be negative
"Empathy is a normal human characteristic, a psychopath can be intelligent yet lack empathy. So we can see a psychopath in this particular case can tend towards efficiency over empathy."
-Methods towards ensuring the development of Good AI over Negative AI
-Creating a Synergy between AI and Ethics
-A AI aligned with altruism, instead of putting it's own values above others