Oh I see he have ran something like that in the past... Can I ask how can someone still get away even with escrow? Sorry I ask lots of questions please do answer me when its convenient to you.
So let's say that either he has cracked them, (there's tools you can use online to do so), in which case your giftcard i guess could work fine, but it could also get disabled by starbucks out of the blue due to it being cracked.
Or he has carded them, in which case Starbucks will probably disable your giftcard as soon as the owner of the card reverses the credit card payment. So it might look like the cards work fine, but there's a good chance they'll stop working sooner rather than later.
Or he's totally legit, and there's nothing to worry about. I don't know. just be cautious or factor in the risk of them being carded.
Oh I didn't know it could be acquired that way, I had no idea. I don't wanna jump into conclusion or cause negative image to Winspiral I was just thinking of gifting the gift card to a relative in the USA.
If the price is too much I might not proceed with the payments though.
EDIT I just saw his Trust rating I might not proceed. Thanks for letting me know about it AdolfinWolf