This topic is about CORION and CORION Premium.
What is CORION?CORION is a cryptocurrency which started with an ICO which ended in august 2017. This cryptocurrency has a stabilizing system which keeps the price of one CORION as close as $1.00
How does this stabilization system works?When there is demand for CORION, the price will rise. Every 270 ETC-blocks, about 3 hours, the price of CORION is checked. If the price is above $1, then 0.3% of new coins will be released. Those coins go to all CORION investors who are connected to a so called Service Provider or are a Service Provider. Because of the increased circulating coins, the price will drop again. If the price is below $1, then 80% of the transaction fees will be burned which reduces the amount of coins in circulation. If this is now enough, then the CORION foundation can use a stabilization fund to buy coins on the market.
What is a service provider?A service provider is an investor who blocks 3000 of his/her CORIONS in the CORION wallet and were other investors can connect to. A service provider can give up to 70% of the coin emissions to the connected investors. This is a fully automated system with smart contracts. The connected investors can check if there was/were coin release(s) and claim the coins if available. Many service providers have extra services. If you want to connect to a service provider, then you can check every service provider's extra service and decide which suits you most.
Can I mine CORIONS?You can't mine CORIONS. New coins are released upon coin emissions.
What is CORION Premium?CORION Premium is a secondary coin with a low market cap. There are just 852 CORION Premiums in circulation, ever. During the ICO major investors got 1 or more CORION Premiums. The CORION Premium is kind of share and cause they are rare, they are very valuable.
Where can I get CORIONS?You can buy CORION at
Cryptopia. In the near future CORION will have an exchange in the wallet and there will be so called 'Hubs' where you can buy/sell CORIONS with Fiat.
Where can I find more information about CORION?CORION has a website at
http://coin.corion.io where you can also register for the free online wallet and find the whitepapers and future roadmap.
You can also check out the CORION Telegram group:
https://t.me/joinchat/Au-wC0N27oHzr1uj22X0PAIn this topic you can discuss CORION. Do not promote other cryptocurrencies or other business in this topic!If you still have not received the translation bounty, please send an email to [email protected]