
Topic: Corona Virus and the forum members (Read 785 times)

jr. member
Activity: 48
Merit: 15
September 06, 2020, 05:17:44 PM
I had it in July and I was ok after 2 weeks. Just had a fewer for 2 days. Now I'm ok like nothing happened and interesting thing is that no one in my family got sick.
full member
Activity: 798
Merit: 134
July 29, 2020, 11:06:20 AM
The virus is spreading rapidly increasing the number of infected all over the world,
I wonder if there are some forum member who got infected by this virus?
And if we could start a donation and the funds would be sent to our Local Moderator if they want to join and help their local community.

lol there would be so many newbies declaring they are sick...

Each person should donate to their local community.

i think there should be away of authenticating them, they will show proof via video or hospital confirmation later that will show they are truly a victim of the virus.

hope i made a little sense.

but my prayers for everyone is that they won't get affected by the virus. non of BTT member will contract the virus. and i wish anyone who is one way or the other affected to get healed in almighty Name. Amen!!!
Activity: 2072
Merit: 4265
July 24, 2020, 04:52:34 AM
To be Sad one of my Family member get affected 6 days ago.He is now much afraid about this pendamic. But  he is taking proper treatment and medicine.Hope he will win soon this war by defeating Corona Virus.

What do you consider to be the proper treatment. As I understand it the best treatment is -

- Stop smoking or taking drugs.
- Build your vitamin "D" by exposure to sunlight.
- Keep hydrated
- Get adequate deep sleep by stress reduction rather than medication
- allow your body to expel pathogens and toxic chemicals, and don't try to suppress this.
- Get zinc and other minerals through siet rather than supplements
- Avoid all pharmaceuticals, unless they are essential due to a co-morbidity
- Also, I believe that you should nor wear a face mask, but I will probably be attacked for that opinion.
- Don't allow any vaccination. You need to get over the infection, not add extra ones.

Don't be sad, be pleased that he is on the way to immunity.

I am delighted with your optimism. I read your topic about age, and I can only envy your state of mind in a good way. Nevertheless, my friends are much younger, and they also have good immunity, but a few days ago one of them was attacked by this disease, and after three days the doctors prescribed mechanical ventilation for him. Everyone in his family got sick, from the elders to the younger, but only a young guy got complications. Therefore, I would say that this disease is very selective, we can never be sure that the virus will treat us very friendly
Activity: 2828
Merit: 2472
July 18, 2020, 03:41:59 AM
To be Sad one of my Family member get affected 6 days ago.He is now much afraid about this pendamic. But  he is taking proper treatment and medicine.Hope he will win soon this war by defeating Corona Virus.

What do you consider to be the proper treatment. As I understand it the best treatment is -

- Stop smoking or taking drugs.
- Build your vitamin "D" by exposure to sunlight.
- Keep hydrated
- Get adequate deep sleep by stress reduction rather than medication
- allow your body to expel pathogens and toxic chemicals, and don't try to suppress this.
- Get zinc and other minerals through siet rather than supplements
- Avoid all pharmaceuticals, unless they are essential due to a co-morbidity
- Also, I believe that you should nor wear a face mask, but I will probably be attacked for that opinion.
- Don't allow any vaccination. You need to get over the infection, not add extra ones.

Don't be sad, be pleased that he is on the way to immunity.
full member
Activity: 658
Merit: 158
BTC Rocks
July 16, 2020, 02:15:43 AM
To be Sad one of my Family member get affected 6 days ago.He is now much afraid about this pendamic. But  he is taking proper treatment and medicine.Hope he will win soon this war by defeating Corona Virus.
full member
Activity: 280
Merit: 135
June 30, 2020, 02:13:42 PM
I am happy because this virus did not infect me, but unfortunately one of my friends inside the forum has infected and I have a very good idea for donations, but it is difficult for us to know if the person is honest or a fraudster and his goal is to get the money only
Activity: 2828
Merit: 2472
June 28, 2020, 08:58:46 AM
Why can't we be positive, and instead of saying that the infection is spreading, lets say that immunity is spreading. Instead of pumping more money into the Pharma sales force ( known as health care) , lets boost the economies of the worth and get rid of debt slavery. We can also teach people how to boost their immune systems, and adopt a healthy life style. The demise of Coca-Cola and burgers would be a small price to pay.
hero member
Activity: 1834
Merit: 879 ⚔️Crypto Futures
June 27, 2020, 08:13:42 AM
The idea is good and someone actually did this successfully thanks to crowd funding and maybe his reputation helped make this project a success, check for your self everything was done transparent from budgeting to delivery of supplies and photos are included @CryptopreneurBrainboss

It's the smallest things we do in life that make a difference let's not over look this Smiley
sr. member
Activity: 1960
Merit: 329
June 20, 2020, 12:13:22 PM
The virus is spreading rapidly increasing the number of infected all over the world,
I wonder if there are some forum member who got infected by this virus?
And if we could start a donation and the funds would be sent to our Local Moderator if they want to join and help their local community.

lol there would be so many newbies declaring they are sick...

Each person should donate to their local community.

It is a bad thing to pretend that you are sick where I come from. Most times the person pretending to be sick ends up being sick in real life. Illness as a form of pretence is not good.
hero member
Activity: 2268
Merit: 579 - Crypto Casino
June 02, 2020, 04:51:18 AM
Regarding to the Topic.

I Guess it is not easy to identify  a member of this forum who is a Covid patient not unless if somebody will directly talk to you via skype and will show you the diagnosis and all the related stuff as a proof or evidence such as certification that the member is a Covid patient.

a legit identification would be great.
It would be easy mate to identify a member of this forum which have the covid-19 if the person is not ashamed to talk about it and provide a genuine information just like Re: Phinnaeus G then while a green trust member in the local area will be ask to visit the isolation venue for evidence.

I know that the Top management of this Forum is working to provide something to the patients but there is no need to publish or hover the documentations in order for the remaining members recognize that they are doing something..

I also suggest that if you have the heart to help you will do it personally--- specifically to your Relatives or neighbors or to your country.

Do not Worry The management is in Control..
The forum management already has enough on their plate but we have some members who'll intervene into such a situation and it good that there's already some relief project for the COVID19.
Activity: 486
Merit: 27
May 31, 2020, 11:34:29 AM
Regarding to the Topic.

I Guess it is not easy to identify  a member of this forum who is a Covid patient not unless if somebody will directly talk to you via skype and will show you the diagnosis and all the related stuff as a proof or evidence such as certification that the member is a Covid patient.

a legit identification would be great.

I know that the Top management of this Forum is working to provide something to the patients but there is no need to publish or hover the documentations in order for the remaining members recognize that they are doing something..

I also suggest that if you have the heart to help you will do it personally--- specifically to your Relatives or neighbors or to your country.

Do not Worry The management is in Control..
full member
Activity: 792
Merit: 176
Bitcoin Artist and Fashion Designer
Activity: 3262
Merit: 1376
Slava Ukraini!
May 30, 2020, 06:17:23 PM
I have no doubts that there is more or less forum members who got infected. Covid-19 is global problem with over 6 million people infected, so it's likely that it touched our community. But maybe considering that there 7.8 billion people on the earth, maybe this number isn't looks so big. I just hope that there is no victims of virus from our forum.
And I don't know any people in personal who had this virus.
sr. member
Activity: 1936
Merit: 290
May 25, 2020, 02:12:02 AM
You can't identify abuse so it's better follow in your countries people. We know that now the Corona virus has spread in every countries and lots of people are being infecte so your country is in the middle of it. Even you can donate in your countries people like clearly.
Activity: 3444
Merit: 1061
May 02, 2020, 01:50:09 PM
@ philipma1957

 - non ozone generating UVC bulbs (non ozone so that it won't generate smell)

Right,  but smell is not what one must care about the most. O3 is very dangerous substance for human, therefore ozone free bulbs is flat out good solution to use in the rooms with people. My house is equipped with the air-recirculation  having Osram antibacterial bulbs emitting  UV  at 254 -256 nm. Such lightwave is known to be the most effective to destroy virus.  Those bulbs have filter coating that absorbs shorter wavelengths which have  the potential to produce ozone.

Yeah O3 ozone is very hard on my asthma.

Which is why I was and am an airflter nut in the first place.

Water filtering was always done somewhat  but I got really deeper into it after the Toms River NJ and Flint Michigan water pollution issues.

I whole house filter for sediment

 then shower water filter for bleach
and kitchen water reverse osmosis for all drinking and cooking water.

When I had kidney stones I also did distilling of the ro water but it was too costly for the extra benefit.

water distillation need not be expensive, there are expensive solutions out there but this one is cheap, good distill quality and a workhorse. if one distillation is too few for you, get 2 or 3 of the units and run them at the same time, you get 2x or 3x more distilled water for a specific period of time, plus if one breaks down you have backup.

i use an outlet timer so that the electricity stops before the distiller becomes hotter(almost no water inside and dry, hard on the heating element), reset button and thermal switch is almost not used, overall the distiller will not be working hard on itself for longer service life.
Activity: 420
Merit: 12
April 26, 2020, 05:50:13 PM
Wrong idea if I most say, now let me outline one reason,
** Someone who is not infection with covid19 will claim he or she has it. And even willing to go extra miles in other to show you proof trust me he or she will. So it's a wrong move if I most say.
sr. member
Activity: 1579
Merit: 267
April 25, 2020, 11:31:27 PM
@ philipma1957

 - non ozone generating UVC bulbs (non ozone so that it won't generate smell)

Right,  but smell is not what one must care about the most. O3 is very dangerous substance for human, therefore ozone free bulbs is flat out good solution to use in the rooms with people. My house is equipped with the air-recirculation  having Osram antibacterial bulbs emitting  UV  at 254 -256 nm. Such lightwave is known to be the most effective to destroy virus.  Those bulbs have filter coating that absorbs shorter wavelengths which have  the potential to produce ozone.

More junk. Go see your healer!
sr. member
Activity: 1579
Merit: 267
April 25, 2020, 11:30:24 PM
Activity: 4326
Merit: 8950
'The right to privacy matters'
April 25, 2020, 06:33:34 PM
@ philipma1957

 - non ozone generating UVC bulbs (non ozone so that it won't generate smell)

Right,  but smell is not what one must care about the most. O3 is very dangerous substance for human, therefore ozone free bulbs is flat out good solution to use in the rooms with people. My house is equipped with the air-recirculation  having Osram antibacterial bulbs emitting  UV  at 254 -256 nm. Such lightwave is known to be the most effective to destroy virus.  Those bulbs have filter coating that absorbs shorter wavelengths which have  the potential to produce ozone.

Yeah O3 ozone is very hard on my asthma.

Which is why I was and am an airflter nut in the first place.

Water filtering was always done somewhat  but I got really deeper into it after the Toms River NJ and Flint Michigan water pollution issues.

I whole house filter for sediment

 then shower water filter for bleach
and kitchen water reverse osmosis for all drinking and cooking water.

When I had kidney stones I also did distilling of the ro water but it was too costly for the extra benefit.
Activity: 4326
Merit: 8950
'The right to privacy matters'
April 20, 2020, 05:50:45 PM
@ philipma1957

you can supplement your HEPA air filtration with UVC air sterilization.

look at this you can easily assemble this if any product like this out there is out of stock or can't be purchased from your location.

parts are:
 - box
 - cpu fans(the silent fans)
 - ballast
 - PSU (tap the 110V for the ballast and supply the 12V to fans)
 - non ozone generating UVC bulbs (non ozone so that it won't generate smell)
 - air filter (only to prevent dust accumulation for fans and bulbs)

BTW for me, i found a way to UVC my AC, so some how it kind of works like this. but having this kind of unit where visitors inhaled/exhaled air will tend to get sucked first before getting its fair spread in a room (strategic positioning) like beside the door unlike AC systems.

also you might want to take a look at NAC (n-acetyl-l-cysteine) for your wife, it is a mucolytic agent (might help), it is OTC supplement so I am assuming it is safe.

here is a "NAC" search on amazon.

I am a bit more on the herby side(still contains NAC), i am taking this one.

helped me with my rhinitis, got some mucus out when i started and felt my lung capacity get better, no way to measure but i can hold my breath longer and breath better.

Yeah I have been doing UVC sterilization for 2 years.

I have 3800 usd worth of air filter machines 4 all told.  been filtering my air and water for years..

My family of cousin's , brothers nieces etc on my side is 100 people no one got a known bad case of it.

On my wife's side (450-500 people) 6 cousins got it 3 went to hospital  all are recovered but one. He is 67 and was on a ventilator for 20 days he is now off the ventilator and is getting better.
 My wife has almost fully recoverd she was in hospital in jan 13-16  it looks like everyone in our extended family will recover.

I have to say centra state hospital had 210 of 280 beds filled with respiratory issues when my wife was admitted.  The emergency room was packed.  So I am thinking this was 1 month before the major news hit USA. My opinion is a lot of people got sick in Jan in the USA and recovered from the covid-19 By early Feb.

At least in central NJ USA
Activity: 3444
Merit: 1061
April 19, 2020, 04:36:49 PM
@ philipma1957

you can supplement your HEPA air filtration with UVC air sterilization.

look at this you can easily assemble this if any product like this out there is out of stock or can't be purchased from your location.

parts are:
 - box
 - cpu fans(the silent fans)
 - ballast
 - PSU (tap the 110V for the ballast and supply the 12V to fans)
 - non ozone generating UVC bulbs (non ozone so that it won't generate smell)
 - air filter (only to prevent dust accumulation for fans and bulbs)

BTW for me, i found a way to UVC my AC, so some how it kind of works like this. but having this kind of unit where visitors inhaled/exhaled air will tend to get sucked first before getting its fair spread in a room (strategic positioning) like beside the door unlike AC systems.

also you might want to take a look at NAC (n-acetyl-l-cysteine) for your wife, it is a mucolytic agent (might help), it is OTC supplement so I am assuming it is safe.

here is a "NAC" search on amazon.

I am a bit more on the herby side(still contains NAC), i am taking this one.

helped me with my rhinitis, got some mucus out when i started and felt my lung capacity get better, no way to measure but i can hold my breath longer and breath better.

Activity: 4326
Merit: 8950
'The right to privacy matters'
April 13, 2020, 11:32:38 AM
Yeah it is real enough for us. I am lucky I am retired as is my wife. So we don’t have to work.
We have 0.33 acres of land and a house 🏠.
So we don’t go stir crazy 😜 and we are not desperate for money 💵.

We would love to take tests for antibodies if we could. If we were certain we had it in Jan. we would be more  aggressive trying to treat my wife’s now 106 day post nasal drip 💧.

So far it has resisted multiple anti histamines and the drip falls into her lungs. She coughs stuff up every day.  Since the type of doctors that would treat it are the same that treat corona-v we don’t want to tax health system. Since we are not sure corona-v damaged her we could be risking her getting infected in her weakened state.

We had a major party with all the sick cousins and around 100 relatives around nov 30.

wife got signs of being ill around dec. 20

could be that party got all the cousins and me and my wife sick.  She is stable so it is the after effectivs for her.  

Still hoping the two cousins in intensive care get better.  

To all be careful.

Edit forbes article shows type a blood people may catch it  easier then type o


As outlined in the study, the normal population in Wuhan has a blood type distribution of:

Type A - 31%
Type B - 24%
Type AB - 9%
Type O - 34%
Comparatively, Wuhan residents who had contracted COVID-19 had a blood type distribution of:

Type A - 38%
Type B - 26%
Type AB - 10%
Type O - 25%

   It was a small sample of 2173 victims in China

A is worst

O is best

type B
type AB  are close to neutral.
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1277
April 13, 2020, 03:23:27 AM
@philipma1957 - thanks for sharing how this is impacting you and your family. I hope everyone recovers soon.
Thanks also to @xvids for starting the thread.

I think it is important that we share these stories. There are plenty of people out there who aren't treating this thing seriously enough, who think it is some weird government conspiracy, or who think it is no big deal and no worse than regular flu. But if we all show how it is affecting us as individuals, it may help and go a little way towards making everyone understand how serious this is, and how we need to behave responsibly, and in accordance with official guidance.

I have been lucky so far. I am in the UK, which is perhaps going to be one of the worst affected countries in Europe... but so far no-one I know has caught it or is displaying any symptoms, everyone in my family has a decent amount of space in this lockdown and isn't stuck 24 hours a day in a tiny city centre flat, everyone in my family who works still has a job and is working from home, we all have access to food and supplies with minimal human contact.

But I am not taking this for granted. A lot of people out there are suffering terribly. Globally we are into millions of confirmed cases now, deaths in the hundreds of thousands. The word 'pandemic' is not used lightly.
Activity: 4326
Merit: 8950
'The right to privacy matters'
April 12, 2020, 08:02:21 PM
Since I had a dozen packages of miners arrive in my home during Nov,Dec,Jan all shipped in under 3 days from China we may have been early victims of the disease.

you can not catch coronavirus (or any other virus) for that matter from a package. viruses don't last that long on surfaces, specially surface of a package.
of course it is possible that the person who handed you the package had the virus and had deposited some of their virus on the package exactly right before they handed you the packages.

this is mis-information

20 to 24 hours on cardboard

2 to 3 days on hard surfaces such as steel or plastic.


...A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine tested how long the coronavirus can last on different types of surfaces within a laboratory.

The study concluded that the virus “can remain viable” on copper for up to four hours, on cardboard for up to 24 hours and on plastic and steel for up to three days....

My wife is stable her temps good her O2 is around 95-97  vs 91-92

We take her O2 3 or 4 times a day.  we take her temps 3 to 4 times a day.
Her 3 ½ day in hospital was Jan13 to Jan16 it was called community pneumonia both lungs.

Last effect now is endless post nasal drip which causes 3 or 4 coughing fits each day.

She has 5 cousins with the corona-v 3 in CT  2 in NY. We are in NJ

2 or her cousins are in intensive care the other 3 are getting better.

So 6 relatives 3 went to hospital.

2 still in hospital

all three states have bad numbers
NY  478 of 1 million die
NJ  265 of 1 million die
CT  155 of 1 million die "  note: cleaned from charts in the link

all six relatives are 45 to 69 years old.

Still NY numbers if were all over the world  would mean

478/1,000,000 x 8,000,000,000 = 3,824,000  worldwide deaths

compared to 1918-1919 spanish flu 20,000,000 out of 1,200,000,000

for this to be as bad as the spanish flu deaths worldwide would need to climb to 120-130 million.

God forbid this happens.

basically this is still yet to reach the 2009 h1n1 levels of 175,000 to 575,000 world wide
hero member
Activity: 1582
Merit: 759
April 12, 2020, 06:01:14 AM
I won't say what job I work in generally - but I do work part-time in what's considered to be a high-risk environment. Some of my colleagues have gotten CoronaVirus and it's on the news to put it into perspective.

Believe me, I'm sure there are people on this forum, probably more than a couple who have it, or who have had it in the past. A lot of people may have had it, got through the symptoms, and never knew it which is why stats on this virus are so difficult.
hero member
Activity: 2856
Merit: 618
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
April 11, 2020, 12:14:39 PM
This is too easy to abuse. How will you verify? What if I am negative of the virus but claimed I am positive then I got a donation from forum members?

Another thing is that if someone is already infected, they should be admitted and quarantined in some hospital. I expect them to be thinking of how to recover and not think about going online here.

How it is easy to abuse ? Anyone who claim that he has a corona virus would be required to show the positive Covid19 report. Anyone could not have a positive report unless he or she is suffering from this virus.
Secondly do you think people will claim that they have this virus when they actually don't. Wouldn't they be fearful that if they speak false about this, maybe one day they get affected by this virus.
Activity: 3472
Merit: 10611
April 10, 2020, 12:40:26 AM
Since I had a dozen packages of miners arrive in my home during Nov,Dec,Jan all shipped in under 3 days from China we may have been early victims of the disease.

you can not catch coronavirus (or any other virus) for that matter from a package. viruses don't last that long on surfaces, specially surface of a package.
of course it is possible that the person who handed you the package had the virus and had deposited some of their virus on the package exactly right before they handed you the packages.
hero member
Activity: 1302
Merit: 577
avatar and signature space for rent !!!
April 09, 2020, 07:55:41 AM
I had corona. Was no fun, but it wasn't THAT bad.

Now I have been healthy for almost 2 weeks.
Still have a little reduced lung capacity, but it is getting better every day.

At first after getting better I was afraid that the lung damage would be permanent.

PS. Most people have a mild case of corona.

 i wish you full recovery i never imagine that there will be a bitcointalk member that will also be infected even it is really possible to every one.
Activity: 1652
Merit: 4393
Be a bank
March 31, 2020, 04:18:59 PM
I had corona. Was no fun, but it wasn't THAT bad.

Now I have been healthy for almost 2 weeks.
Still have a little reduced lung capacity, but it is getting better every day.

At first after getting better I was afraid that the lung damage would be permanent.

PS. Most people have a mild case of corona.

Very glad to hear you are recovering nicely. Must have been a bit of a scare. Thanks for sharing your experience.
full member
Activity: 378
Merit: 197
March 31, 2020, 03:16:16 PM
I had corona. Was no fun, but it wasn't THAT bad.

Now I have been healthy for almost 2 weeks.
Still have a little reduced lung capacity, but it is getting better every day.

At first after getting better I was afraid that the lung damage would be permanent.

PS. Most people have a mild case of corona.
full member
Activity: 172
Merit: 100
March 31, 2020, 12:20:37 PM
  My wife and I were very ill Dec 26 - Jan 16  My wife was hospitalized for 3 days and treated for pneumonia.
Since I had a dozen packages of miners arrive in my home during Nov,Dec,Jan all shipped in under 3 days from China we may have been early victims of the disease. I don't     want any money or coins for help.

 But if anyone has spare  gloves or facemasks please donate some to your local police, firemen, hospitals. Also try to support you supermarkets clerks and cashiers. This job was never considered a good quality job for workers. It is now a very much needed job and those clerks are risking their lives to sell us the food.

  I am in NJ we are over 14,000 cases today and right next to New York with 60,000 cases. If you are in the USA in any state  your numbers will grow.
Look at the charts  for Spain and Italy  still going up  these may have finally leveled off

USA is looking at 100,000 to 200,000 deaths in the next six months. 

To the forum members

Please try to hold back on snarky asshole fuck you posts and be helpful instead.

Hey there i actually spoke to one of the causes we are supporting and their resource list could be very useful for you both in regards to finding people to help and support you during your self isolation and in regards to funding masks ect.

You can see the full details on my other post or Dm me and il send you any resources I can find!
full member
Activity: 172
Merit: 100
March 30, 2020, 04:57:42 PM
  My wife and I were very ill Dec 26 - Jan 16  My wife was hospitalized for 3 days and treated for pneumonia.
Since I had a dozen packages of miners arrive in my home during Nov,Dec,Jan all shipped in under 3 days from China we may have been early victims of the disease. I don't     want any money or coins for help.

 But if anyone has spare  gloves or facemasks please donate some to your local police, firemen, hospitals. Also try to support you supermarkets clerks and cashiers. This job was never considered a good quality job for workers. It is now a very much needed job and those clerks are risking their lives to sell us the food.

  I am in NJ we are over 14,000 cases today and right next to New York with 60,000 cases. If you are in the USA in any state  your numbers will grow.
Look at the charts  for Spain and Italy  still going up  these may have finally leveled off

USA is looking at 100,000 to 200,000 deaths in the next six months. 

To the forum members

Please try to hold back on snarky asshole fuck you posts and be helpful instead.

Hey really sorry about this and hope you both recover swiftly. Our main dev at is working on securing face masks over in America. They are in high demand everywhere! Please keep us updated on your progress with everything.


Activity: 4326
Merit: 8950
'The right to privacy matters'
March 30, 2020, 07:15:41 AM
  My wife and I were very ill Dec 26 - Jan 16  My wife was hospitalized for 3 days and treated for pneumonia.
Since I had a dozen packages of miners arrive in my home during Nov,Dec,Jan all shipped in under 3 days from China we may have been early victims of the disease. I don't     want any money or coins for help.

 But if anyone has spare  gloves or facemasks please donate some to your local police, firemen, hospitals. Also try to support you supermarkets clerks and cashiers. This job was never considered a good quality job for workers. It is now a very much needed job and those clerks are risking their lives to sell us the food.

  I am in NJ we are over 14,000 cases today and right next to New York with 60,000 cases. If you are in the USA in any state  your numbers will grow.
Look at the charts  for Spain and Italy  still going up  these may have finally leveled off

USA is looking at 100,000 to 200,000 deaths in the next six months. 

To the forum members

Please try to hold back on snarky asshole fuck you posts and be helpful instead.
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1277
March 30, 2020, 04:30:31 AM
I suspect that I may have been infected, as I woke up sweating for a couple of nights a few days ago. I had no other symptoms, but I can't think of any other likely explanation for this. Just a clarification for my critics, I did self isolate. I've lao done quite a lot of reading about the virus, and I am encouraged by a report in The Lancet that states that people over the age of 70 with no underlying health issues, have a mortality rate of less than 0.01 per cent. Most elderly deaths occur as a result of long term smoking, recent vaccination, diabetes, or pharmaceutical dependency. Also I note that more fatality reports atate that the patient died with a Corona infection, and not from the Corona virus. This would tend to indicate the the virus itself isn't a major cause of death.

If you think you've been infected, then please please take it easy and don't over-exert yourself. You are of course absolutely correct that statistics show averages and submerge the detail that represents individual people, and it may well be the case that the overwhelming majority of people in the 'vulnerable' age bracket are vulnerable due to underlying health issues and succumb to secondary infections... but at the same time it can be easy to go too far the other way, and assume 'I have no underlying health concerns therefore I am not at risk'.

Apologies if I sound a bit overbearing and intrusive; I'm sure you know full-well how to care care of yourself. But I'd rather post this and look like an idiot than not post at all.
Activity: 2828
Merit: 2472
March 30, 2020, 02:56:33 AM
The greatest threat to humanity is the banking system, and its associated eugenics programmes.
Natural immunity will take care of the Corona virus if we allow our bodies to develop immunity. We won't get on top of it if we continue to allow the elite controlled pharma and so-called health companies to continue their policy of replacing our immune systems with pharmaceutical dependency.

I suspect that I may have been infected, as I woke up sweating for a couple of nights a few days ago. I had no other symptoms, but I can't think of any other likely explanation for this. Just a clarification for my critics, I did self isolate. I've lao done quite a lot of reading about the virus, and I am encouraged by a report in The Lancet that states that people over the age of 70 with no underlying health issues, have a mortality rate of less than 0.01 per cent. Most elderly deaths occur as a result of long term smoking, recent vaccination, diabetes, or pharmaceutical dependency. Also I note that more fatality reports atate that the patient died with a Corona infection, and not from the Corona virus. This would tend to indicate the the virus itself isn't a major cause of death.
full member
Activity: 172
Merit: 100
March 28, 2020, 01:57:05 AM
The virus is spreading rapidly increasing the number of infected all over the world,
I wonder if there are some forum member who got infected by this virus?
And if we could start a donation and the funds would be sent to our Local Moderator if they want to join and help their local community.

Hey yes 2 of our team are currently infected I am currently deicing where to post this on the forum but i'm glad that there are people like you out there who even bother to ask!

We are super small but have always focused on supporting good causes any support at all is welcome!

Causevest exists to support good causes and make a positive impact in the world around us.

Right now, the biggest immediate threat to Humanity is the CoronaVirus.

We are asking for your donations to support The Causevest Foundation so that we can continue working with and supporting numerous causes that are directly combating the virus

We are reaching out and calling upon the crypto community, to help us support these charities in the fight against the pandemic.
 Your donations will be pooled together and used to sustainably support these causes, where we will do audits so you can rest easy knowing your donation goes to where it is needed!

Please register your account , and donate by purchasing XCV with ETH, BTC or via bank transfer
You can read the full details here
sr. member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 301
March 26, 2020, 01:23:58 PM
This is too easy to abuse. How will you verify? What if I am negative of the virus but claimed I am positive then I got a donation from forum members?

Another thing is that if someone is already infected, they should be admitted and quarantined in some hospital. I expect them to be thinking of how to recover and not think about going online here.
I am not talking about donating for the forum member that has been infected I am just curious on how many member has been infected.

lol there would be so many newbies declaring they are sick...

Each person should donate to their local community.

I am thinking of a crypto donation from the forum and it would be divided into the local moderator to share it into their country or community.
I don't have any plan on accepting or holding the donation I think it should be hold by a trusted member of the forum.
Activity: 3668
Merit: 3010
Licking my boob since 1970
March 26, 2020, 08:19:15 AM
The virus is spreading rapidly increasing the number of infected all over the world,
I wonder if there are some forum member who got infected by this virus?
And if we could start a donation and the funds would be sent to our Local Moderator if they want to join and help their local community.

lol there would be so many newbies declaring they are sick...

Each person should donate to their local community.

sr. member
Activity: 1554
Merit: 413
March 26, 2020, 04:13:47 AM
This is too easy to abuse. How will you verify? What if I am negative of the virus but claimed I am positive then I got a donation from forum members?

Another thing is that if someone is already infected, they should be admitted and quarantined in some hospital. I expect them to be thinking of how to recover and not think about going online here.
sr. member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 301
March 26, 2020, 03:05:24 AM
The virus is spreading rapidly increasing the number of infected all over the world,
I wonder if there are some forum member who got infected by this virus?
And if we could start a donation and the funds would be sent to our Local Moderator if they want to join and help their local community.
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