Political ends are always about greater control, corruption, and ultimately, cover ups.
In the age where air has become second to digital noise in terms of ubiquity, and hyperbole has replaced truth as the journalistic objective, governments' ability to leverage misinformation (i.e. propaganda) has become a precision tool. Like it or not, society has become confused by the amount of information thrown at us and that makes us susceptible.
But if this is contrived political hysteria, what is the objective?
I've heard people on either side of the aisle suggest it is to help or hurt Trump. And perhaps, it is that simple. However, given equally good points on both sides of that argument I am skeptical. So then what? Well, I think back to 9/11 and whether you believe it was an act of terrorism by our own government or some other group, the end result was the same – The Patriot Act, and a truckload of knock-on legislation that quietly edged out our individual rights and freedoms. All in the name of keeping us safe from harm.
The largest financial bailout in the history of the world and nobody knows it happened because the focus is on a virus [Coronavirus] that to date, has resulted in 50 deaths in America (at the same time 8,000 deaths have resulted from the flu in America)
The Patriot Act bit is a valid point, but I'm sure that was the government exploiting the situation rather than engineering it.
The CV bailouts is again a reaction, they are responding to the pandemic with desperate measures to keep the national and global economy afloat. It's not a deliberately engineered situation.
There are a lot of conspiracy theories, and you can of course believe what you want, but if you think the current situation is deliberately engineered, then you are putting a lot of faith in the government, you are saying that they are capable not only of implementing this whole thing, but also of keeping it secret. I would suggest that the government is slow, conservative, reactive rather than proactive, and incapable of keeping a secret on this sort of scale. More than this: that if it's deliberately engineered then they are working against their own best interests.
The status quo works so well for the elites already; they siphon off all the profit whilst socialising risk. That's how society is set up, that's how it's been for centuries, and no government is going to jeopardise that money train by creating a virus and letting it wreak havoc (or creating the illusion of a virus and letting it do the same).
Also the help/hurt Trump idea is too insular. This is not all about the US; people are dying all over the world. More than quarter of a million infected now, and rising rapidly. The idea that 50 vs 8000, flu is 160 times more deadly is not just factually incorrect, it's either moronically stupid or else morally abhorrent. See the links in
this thread for an understanding of how COVID-19 spread compares to flu. Also see the comparison to how measles would spread in an unvaccinated population for a visual demonstration of how anti-vaxxers are idiots.
There is government, and there is the real government.
The formal government isn't the real government. It's the tip of the iceberg. The real government is the banking system.
The banking system is based in the Federal Reserve Bank, the people who control it, and the money system. It reaches around the world. And it works very well.
The Fed is a Ponzi system. Fiat is a Ponzi fiat. All Ponzis fail after a while.
How is the Fed a Ponzi? All money they loan is never really loaned. Rather, it is created, even though it says that it is loaned. Since it is created, the loans (not being loans) can't be repaid. In addition, they reduce the value of all money in existence.
Big business is realizing this. And so far, they have accepted the QE (Quantitative Easing) bribes the big banks are paying out. But the nature of a Ponzi is to ultimately fail.
When you have a world of 7.4 billion people behind fiat, the failure might take a long while... IF the people never find out. But the people are finding out, and the money system is failing.
So, the point is, the banking system needs CV, and they need the focus of people to be on CV. This way there is less chance of people understanding that they have been played by the money system.
Used to be the robber said, "Your money or your life." Now the banking people are saying it about themselves with a big fat question mark... like are they going to be able to pull this one off.