I agree it isn't healthy obsessing about it and at times I do feel like I'm the only sane person (although I know there are others like me) in this insane world, the revelation of which thereby ironically driving me insane in the process. Yet, not thinking and talking about it is equally unappealing to me, like sticking your head in the sand, even though I'm absolutely convinced of its futility. Human nature is what it is and we did not get here by accident. No amount of walking is ever going to change that or somehow make the world feel like a better place to me.
Some interesting quotes there in your posting. There certainly is a lot of litterature to dwelve into for those having the time for it. You are most certainly not alone, I feel the same where I live, and I've spent a lot of time thinking about all these issues. But focusing too much on the negatives, it simply makes your life miserable. I am not saying your should put your head in the sand and pretend everything is fine. That's not smart or possible.
There's a saying: Ignorance is bliss. And you see those all day, everywhere. The people who do their jobs, and then gleefully spend their money on gadgets, a new car and a vacation, and doesn't have a care in the world. Thoughts of corruption does not even enter their mind. Geopolitics? Huh - gotta be some exotic rare herb. The public is at large distracted by sports and entertainment. I read recently that Kardhashian now had 27 million followers on instagram, and recently made a 600 million dollar TV-deal. How many people pay attention to real serious issues? 10%, 5%, 2%, 0.5%, less? Most people seems to be concerned only about their own little bubble.
It's true that we all have both evil and good in our hearts, but some people have more goodness than others. Those who are cynical and is willing to do whatever to advance in the hierarcy, will do so, for them power is what attracts, often as a tool to serve their own agenda. The "good" people seldom has this desire to elevate themselves over others and control others, hence they don't raise to high positions in politics.
So what can a man do? While being aware of all these issues, and further educating yourself, trying to life your life as well as you can is important. After all, you're only here 70-90 years if you live a full lifespan, after that, you're gone.
So my best suggestions is to every week spend some time doing the things that you like to do, what puts you in a good mood, so even though happiness cannot be acieved all the time, at least some of the time you don't have to be miserable.