again, I have some small business idea, related to BTC of course. What gives me the biggest headache is how
to build together some website. In design and complexity, it should be similar to one of the many mining oulets,
e.g. or, but I expect a much smaller load (at the beginning at least^^).
In particular, I need
- a customers area with login, 2-FA, a nice dashboard, ability to reset password and sometimes
automated notifications via email (so I guess I will have to run a mail server)
- a database in the back, where some (not much) customer's data is stored
- some automated BTC-adress generation (for deposit adresses) and transaction generation (for handling
withdrawal requests from customers) and querying balances, stuff like that...
Can someone advise me how difficult it is to get such a thing running? (I have some background in IT, but
mainly oldschool stuff. Like C++. Never tried webdesign..)
How costly would it be to have it done externally? (I don't like the idea so much, but if it would be too much
of a hassle...)
I want to add that I don't want to set up a cloudmining site nor an exchange, nor sth illegal. It's just a small
idea which would mainly cater to btctalk-members and would almost certainly not yield a lot of profit.
Another reason why I don't want to spend a lot of bucks for some professional webdesign company
Heyyy how's this project going on now ?