For OPs mysterious shutdowns...
X750 is single-rail, so can't be a problem there.
Also, mainboard + stuff + one card on #1; 2 cards on #2 is the way to go.
mysterious shutdown points towards #1 or mainboard having some issue (at least one piece of true info, you only get locked up cards if #2 drops out).
Now for bad power causing issues... possible, my 4*5970 boxes regularly locked up or powered off on brownouts (got a line voltage monitor/logger, so correlation was easy).
Another possible issue... southbridge chipset temp. msi 890fxa-gd70 is *very* iffy there.
Oh ,and on that board the CPU voltage regulator phase switching is... problematic. Maybe test if the problem goes away if you disable it, or just keep the cpu at 100% load constantly (no fucking clue why that helps, but it did work here to stabilize a 890fxa w/ 4*5970 and a Athlon2 X2...).
Now... long rant:
So much misinformation in one thread.
On a side note:
To say powering the GPU's from two sources will invite problems is to now know the entire truth.
Thats not what I said. I specifically said powering
one GPU with 2 PSUs, as that is a recepy for disaster because of voltage regulation. THere is no real problem using multiple PSUs for multiple cards, as long as no single GPU is powered by 2 PSUs
P4man is right. Also you don't want to do it because anytime you connect two power sources together you are going to get losses due to voltage mismatch. For similar reasons you shouldn't power graphics cards which have 2 power connectors from different rails of the same PSU as they are going to have differing voltage output.
Uhmmm... nope. No problem either.
Please find *any* video card that connects the aux connectors together (violates PCIe spec. badly).
Or hell, any card that doesn't like one of them at 12.6V with the other at 11.4V.
Now why *isn't* that a big problem? Well, modern multiphase DC/DCs as used on any recent graphics card deal it pretty nicely, you get some uneven average current on phases powered from different voltages, roughly the same % mismatch as the voltage mismatch. Read up on theory of operation of synchronous multiphase step-down converters with current-mode control of individual phases and you'll figure out why.
So... why on earth can't people stop to check their "facts" or even just think for a bit before regurgitating the same old myths and overgeneralizations?