Right now countries who dealing strongly to develope their own country and less dealing with foreign matters Will build their country and nation stronger.
USA is now more out of the world then dealing with own issues that's how countries lose their power.
Look at china and russia they are active inside their own country and not getting involved into global issues so much while usa always try to look like perfect but yet they don't deal with their own problems.
UK is same they deal now with their own issues because they have to but over the many years they been acting like USA try to be world police and judge that's what makes countries weak.
I won’t blame USA that much for most of the countries that feel weak and assume they’re under the watch of USA and cannot stand against them. It’s just global power and any country that wish to be under another can become one when they begin to ask them for help into even things they can come together and solve. Delving into problems that can be solved by themselves and not by anyone, or doing more than their means.
This is a very serious case study that Russia and China have understood and decided to stay clear off the affairs that will make them look disrespectful or answerable to another country because they’ve sold their integrity. This is the 21st century and nothing can be hidden under the sun again. Countries should try and source for the possible best solutions to their countries problem instead of settling for help from another country.