Courses, training, conferences on the blockchain and cryptocurrency [Announcements]
Hello! I propose to write here about various conferences and courses on blockchain and cryptocurrency.
I wish everyone happiness and BlessedHealth of God!Forum thread with Announcements of conferences in Russian: order to publish Announcements - we create a post.
Data publishing format:1. Title: the name of the course / conference / meeting,2. Topic: the topic of the course / conference / meeting,
3. Format: course / conference / meeting,
4. Language of the event
5. Who organizes the event: the organizer of the course / conference,
6. Who is involved: speakers, moderators, lecturers
7. Venue: online or offline (country / city),
8. Start: day / month / year and time (specify the time region)
9. Periodicity: single, permanent (annual, daily, ...),
10. Cost: paid / free (if paid - the price),
11. Official site for the conference / course: link to the official website of the organizer,
12. Conditions of participation: registration, etc.
13. Additional links (if any): links in social networks, etc.,
Short description: a short essence.
15. One image or link to a video on the topic.
16. In addition: any additional information that you consider useful to readers,
17. Acknowledgment: The address of the author's wallet with the indication of the cryptocurrency. This is for the author to thank for his announcement.
In addition to + Merit, the author can be thanked and financially if his publication deserves it.
Before publication - review previously published announcements, the first quality posts (completely corresponding to the template and having the earliest publication date) will be left.
1. The announcements published here are not a recommendation, a call to action or inaction! You decide for yourself to participate in this or that event and you are responsible for it yourself.
2. I will try to track "suspicious" announcements, and I hope for your help including, and I will mark those of them that could potentially cause harm. But do not forget about p. 1!
I would be grateful for the feedback and corrections!Donate author: ETH: 0x9208f43f378684dC57C5db657f2349F17E72B0bD
Thank you!