It is true that Anthony “Fraudulent” Fauci is at the epicenter of the SARS-Coronavirus scamdemic that has cost millions of lives around the globe while padding the pockets of Big Pharma gurus around the planet, including himself. Fauci was instrumental in funding the research for “gain of function,” that enabled a strictly animal virus to spread to humans.
Yet, that was just the fulcrum of the real pandemic that would follow – that of mass vaccination, where injecting or creating (mRNA) billions of spike protein prions leads to vascular damage for the “gene-therapy-treated” humans who bought into the COVID-19 scamdemic, that was based and propagated on fear-mongering that spread like wildfire. This “pandemic” is just like every other infectious disease scare we’ve encountered over the past three centuries. Anthony “Fraudulent” Fauci is just the most recent huckster and con artist to reach the front of the line in a long line of charlatans and pharma shills.
“The primary purpose of commercially-funded clinical research is to maximize financial return on investment, not health”The richest and most powerful people on Planet Earth function mainly in one or more of three industries: oil, tech/media, and pharma. This is no secret, but the way they get rich in the pharma realm is covered up, because what the majority of Americans believe are medicine and vaccines are in reality WEAPONIZED treatments that make you sick, sicker and/or dead. Patients who follow the general advice of medical doctors (including pediatricians), oncologists and surgeons often find themselves in deep water, with no ‘life raft’ in sight. Their health deteriorates quickly while the doctors point at incurable, ‘genetic’ issues, only treating the compounding, horrifying symptoms of the very ‘medicine’ that’s been prescribed, including all vaccinations.
“The primary purpose of commercially-funded clinical research is to maximize financial return on investment, not health.” That quote comes from the foreword of an amazing, whistle-blowing book titled,
Virus Mania: How Big Pharma, Media Invent Epidemics. This corrupt model of Western medicine is an epidemic based on fear, not viruses or bacteria.
Back in the 1800s, when “germ theory” was first propagandized to scare the masses, fear campaigns began to take root in America, and they were already enough to propel chemical medicine to the forefront – weaponizing an insidious cash cow this country had never experienced before. This is how “epidemics” and “pandemics” are invented.
Measles fear-mongering began in the 1700s and continues todayBack in the 1600s, measles first appeared and was documented in Boston. By the 1700s, scientists who were able to reveal the infectious nature of measles also instigated the propaganda machine that would turn a minor amount of measles deaths into a bloated, inflated statistic to scare the world to death (pun intended). Government health officials would later claim that for every 1000 kids who got the measles, one or two would die. That was a lie. The CDC and mainstream media still push this
fabricated falsity today.
The truth is that the odds of dying from measles are equivalent to drowning in a swimming pool, or tripping down a flight of stairs. The mortality rate of measles plummeted long before the measles “vaccine” was supposedly discovered in 1962 by Maurice Hilleman, a Merck pharma shill.
[It gets better.]