i give you 6months before you become a lesbian feminist vegan
Vaccines make you gay. One of the ways they help reduce population is to turn people into miserable emotionally damaged and suicidal trannys.
This is a hypothesis of course, and a rather silly one. But it could be rejected with a proper vaxxed-vs-unvaxxed study.
nah, my thoughts are badecker and other conspiracy guys are just lonely and trying to find a new fashion trend to latch onto, hoping they can be seen as part of some trendy group.
the issue is the trends they pick up on are usually out of date by the time they latch onto them, thus never getting the feeling of satisfaction they crave, they just try digging deeper into their latest trend until they hit rock bottom. then move onto the next trend and deny being in the previous one
take trump.. he was on the bleach trend. now denying he even suggested it
take trump.. he was on the hate russia trend.. then denied it and pretended to be friends.
take trump.. he was friendly with russia trend...then denied it and pretends to hate russia
take trump.. he was on the hate china trend.. then denied it and pretended to be friends.
take trump.. he was friendly with china trend...then denied it and pretends to hate russia
its this kind of flip floppy crap of changing narratives that makes idiots look more like idiots before they even say their next sentence
Hey, thank you, franky1. Thanks for helping us get it out to the people that the whole Coronavirus thing is a hoax. After all, there is no proof of mass CV, right?
We appreciate the way you are so extremely against conspiracy theorists that you help them advertise because you know the truth... that they are right about the conspiracies.
It's so interesting how you don't flip-flop. You help with our advertising, while at the same time you talk against us and the exact thing that we advertise.
If yo happen to come up with some real proof... something where I don't have to say, "That's not proof. That's only some doctor or media joker saying there is proof..." please enlighten all of us with it.
So far, all we know is that we are simply having a bad year of the flu. And I admire that you know this, but can hold your own against this that you know, so your peers don't kick you out of your circle.
Sometime you will have to make a stand.