Algorithms are the key but the explanation seems contradictory.
Algos that run hot are so because the CPU can do more work and hash more efficiently.
Algos like cryptonight run cooler because the CPU is often stalled waitng for data from memory.
Now the paradox. Algos that are efficient with a CPU are more efficient with a GPU and even more
efficient with an ASIC (if one exists). Even though the CPU hash is efficient it can't compete with
a GPU or ASIC.
The best algos to mine with a CPU are the least effcient because those algos are even less efficient
or non-existant on a GPU and provide less competition for CPUs.
Ah I see, they are running hot due to the efficiency of number of hashes completed per second which causes the unwanted added heat?
I was reading that the CPU algo such as cryptonote also are starting to require memory as well to make them ASIC resistant. Do you not think its possible to build an ASIC for cryptonote?