While you cannot totally prove a negative, I'm going to give it a shot.
To start the person starts off with 100 percent credibility. So 100 times .5 for each lie or out of character move.
50 percent. He stated that SN never had a Bitcoin Talk account.
25 percent. He stated in court that certain BTC addresses where his then someone posted that he is a liar and a fraud etc. with one of the addresses.
12.5 percent. He used Sha 256 for BSV which introduces a confrontation with the BTC chain which was totally unnecessary, unless he has some kind of an agenda. BSV would have been better off with a different algorithm. Him showing that he is not there for the BSV people. Which is out of character for SN by my research but I could be wrong?
6.25 For the many times his story changed. I'll go easy on him and not dock him for each instance but you should count each time for more accurate results. LOL.
3.125 For the many times he failed to produce proof of his so called keys.
1.5625 Lazlo has seen SN's mining software and might still have it. Why does this person simply produce the same software so Lazlo can confirm it? One person could be bought off for the right price, not saying that Lazlo would do it of course...
0.78125 For the many forged documents in his court cases. Each document forged should be .5 percent off but again I am going easy on him.
0.390625 For many people that in the know and say he is not SN. Richard Heart, Vitalik Buterin and many others.
0.1953125 Nima said that Adam Back's computer was used for the original source code.
0.09765625 He never mentioned Netcoin in time. If he was SN that ship has already sailed. No credit awarded! Do not pass go and collect 1 million BTC.
0.048828125 He copyrighted the white paper after it was already copyrighted, which is so lame that it's funny! Why copyright something that you supposedly already have? Does not compute... error...error... smoke coming out...
So there you have it folks much less than 1 percent chance that he is SN. Of course it is really worse than that, as I was giving him the benefit not including every lie, forged document etc.
Thanks for reading this just for fun exercise and feel free to add to the bottom line number! Let's see how low his odds of being SN really go!
edit. So an article said that there were 43 forged documents from a case and that puts a new number of...
5.551115123125783e-15, which is 0.048828125 multiplied by .5, 43 times if my math is correct?
One person of the 8.1 billion people on earth is 1.234567901234568e-10, his credibility is lower than being a human on this planet! Literally, everyone else on the planet has better odds of being SN. Including the judge of his next case.