Reading, questioning and also helping others to understand and correct their English mistakes is what we are doing in the FittoTalk project!!
Maybe you are interested in joining it
I'll have to admit I was a bit skeptical of visiting the website at first, but then I did some digging and also see that Jet Cash is hanging around there. I'll definitely give the project a hand wherever I can. I'm definitely interested, maybe I will even pick up a bit of another language myself. Not sure if that's possible with the project, but I guess we'll see.
I 'm glad to see there are still some people in the forum with the will of helping others with no $ reward!!
Contrary to popular belief, not everything is about money. Whenever there is a meaningful connection to be made, information to be exchanged, or ideas to be explored I always assume it to be worth my time until it proves otherwise.
There are simply tons of ways a certain person can practice his/her english.
I like this goofy project called DuoLingo, helped me a lot.
My grammar is not 100% perfect, but it's accurate enough(I think).
I have no problem reading your posts. There are little hints, here and there, that English isn't your first language, but you convey your thoughts more clearly than most of the kids I went to high-school with.
Consider me there, as soon as I have time to make it happen.