I need critics and devil's advocates to come forward and help with issues this system will have. Otherwise If you have any other points to add it would be appreciated.
Everyone in the country has a government ID number. You give the eligible voters two weeks to apply with their ID. Once this time is up the elections registration does a tally and creates a premined coin equal to the amount of voters. Once the coin has been created the voters can generate a wallet. On the day of the vote everyone will go down to the voting booth to show their wallet and ID. The elections registration sends one coin to each individual voter. Each voter then sends their coin to the party leader of their choice. The party leader with the most coins at the end of the vote wins the election.
If there are any coins sent to a party leader that have come from a wallet not registered with the elections registration they will be disqualified.
If you want to help fund my campaign for liberty, donations to my bitcoin account are greatly appreciated. 1GQ5Emjft3MVyiXWFCz6n6EZ5pJwjiBufu
If you want to read more of my work you can find it on twitter.
https://twitter.com/EvolutionA2ZI link the Creator together with Evolution and show that you can have both. I stress that Evolution is a fact. That the great expansion of the universe started 13.7 billion years ago. And that how we got from then to now are all just theories.