My criteria for constructive posts:
1. Unique (has not ever been mentioned somewhere in the forum or on the Internet. That means not copying & pasting or plagiarising)
2. Creative (describing new approach to solve issues)
3. Solving-problem (on-topic and can help others to solve their issues/ technical problems, etc)
4. Easy to understand (not wrote in broken English)
5. Open-minded (open for further discussions, interactions)
6. Informative (contains information that valuable, and links to information sources included)
Something more which I don't remember at the moment.
Its nice to see that also look for a constructive post and I think its good to see that you also set your expectations for the quality post that you want!
Criteriaa constructive post that has been described above, too exaggerated and too long explanation impressed reproduce kata.sebenarnya pos konstrustif in my opinion is a post that is in line with what was discussed earlier with good grammar even with a few characters
Is too exaggerated? Well, my point here is that we can all set free of our own criteria in sending merit because definitely, some of the lower ranks like me are thinking what is a good quality needed in order to receive merits.
This is my opinion and I am just looking each of it criteria when I wanted to give merits. If I will send merits, I will look for a post that reach one or two of my criteria.
Different people can have different opinions regarding this. I will give importance to two points only. First is that the answer should be helpful. And second is how quick was the member to respond. If you are repeating the same thing for 10th time, it is waste of time for readers.
I believe in you bro! We have diversity of wants and opinions and we cannot blame others from what they want because we have our own taste.
I consider your criteria but I think we have a limited merits only and for sure, if that criteria you have set, many people should benefits from your merit because it seems like many user here have qualitative post and helpful for the community.