Moderators: If it is inappropriate to promote my BTCJam loan request in these forums, then I will take it down immediately upon notification. Note also that I have already posted a reply with this request in the BTCJam - Peer to Peer Bitcoin Lending topic (
I would like to announce my own Bitcoin loan request listing that is up on BTCJam, at I am asking for
BTC5, and am currently offering a 4% interest fee.
My purpose is to be able to purchase (in USD, after exchanging at Mt. Gox or, if they are unavailable, the next most trustworthy exchange) better computer equipment so that I can mine crypto-currencies on my own (rather than having to ask for loans). What I have (an old Nvidia 8600 GTS) is hilariously insufficient to mine anything in a reasonable time frame.
My living expenses are extremely low, and the electricity costs where I currently live are subsidized, meaning that return on investment for me is actually quite high.
If I am successful in this endeavor, my purpose will then become to also invest in the Bitcoin community. I will also be confident in being able to repay larger loans for even better equipment.
I just need to be able to get started, and I don't want to play the banksters' reindeer games. I have confirmed my identity, phone number and PayPal account with BTCJam. I am unable to confirm my address, because none of the utilities are in my name, nor does my license match my current address (basically, I'm living in a flophouse -- this is why my expenses are so low).
So you know what risk you will be taking: I am currently self-employed, working as the head administrator for a small, niche online auction website. It pays very little, as the owner pays for literally everything out of his own pocket, including paying me to conduct the day-to-day business of administration (basic things such as validating new accounts, processing donation, subscription and advertisement payments, moderating live auctions, that sort of thing).
My current income is not sufficient to repay this loan. My only means of doing so is by receiving the loan in the first place. This is why I'm using the approach of crowdsourcing this; minimal risk for many people.
I will answer any questions which do not directly ask for personally identifiable information.
Thank you.