I will just leave all the blah blah blah parts and jump to the important things .
your so called objectives
1 - Raise about 60-100 LTC. ( You will be sending to escrow every 10 LTC ) .
- Why we should trust you with 9.9 LTC ( until you send the coins to escrow ! )
- Then even if you send to escrow why should we trust your escrow choice !!
2- Find a family & bussiness ideeas that we will fund.
- Why we should trust you with this ! you can simply collect 100 LTC and choose your family to give the money too or your business !
3- Discuss for future projects.
What project you are talking about ! .
- There is a solution to all this , Just send one of known escrow that we can trust 2 BTC to cover the money you will collect .If you do not want to do so then .
- this is one of the most dump Bullshit ( scam attempt ) thread I ever come cross lately