If the address is real, I'm sure they, the scammers have already escaped, otherwise it's just a ghost address. Hopefully the victims of this scam soon pass.
what are you talking about ? what does that mean by ghost address ? wtf.
Recently CMCT already lost 95% it value.
And 500 Mil tokens already transfer out of their smart contract address. And after research I found 300 mil already dumped in Idex, 200 mil remain frozen lol thank god for this. IDEX delisted cmct completely and the team said Craig fucked them and go away with scammed money.
Everyone that owns CMCT is a victim right now. All we can do is pray it recovers but this seems impossible and I thought we need report it to FBI and wait for action from them after that because this is US based: Headquarters
2001 Gateway Place, Suite 330E, San Jose, CA 95110
Seems like it's a long planned dump,because based on their contract address here :
https://etherscan.io/address/0x47bc01597798dcd7506dcca36ac4302fc93a8cfb#tokentxnsthe last time he made a transaction was 37 days ago.
only leaving 83.000 CMCT on its smart contract and its price went down for more than 60%,total destruction.