Les asserts sont t'elle vraiment adapté pour cela? Car je les vois plus comme des actions que comme du crowfundings. J'aimerai aussi
donner des licences ultracopier/supercopier/catchchallenger 1 à ceux qui font des dons pour les motivés, comme c'est possible sur indiegogo.
J'attends plus de détails pour me lancer.
La première version a généré un certain nombre de
technologies, d'analyses et d’innovations. Et selon moi (face au technologies et performance que je m'attendais) déjà tout aussi correct que les grands MMORPG commerciaux sauf pour l'interface du client (qui est totalement amateur). Quand j'aurai les fonds, soit perso soit par d'autre personnes, j'engagerai un pro dans les jeux vidéos qui refera l'interface.
Voila la news sur linuxfr en cour de rédaction:
http://linuxfr.org/redaction/news/catchchallenger-1-0-est-sortiC'est pas le 1er gros projet que je gère (les projets pro, je suis sous NDA, les projets open source il y as
Ultracopier/Supercopier avec quelque millions d'utilisateurs quotidiens). Avec ces 5 Mo de code, c'est pas aussi gros que vlc, mais c'est pas du petit projet non plus
Description que j'ai commencer à rédiger sur indiegogo:
Short Summary
I'm developer of Ultracopier/Supercopier, I work as system administrator, cluster management and developer for private sector. I'm passionate by open source and technologies. My company is registred into bolivia under the number 197938029.
In my general target is do professional quality software in open source sector. Specifically around CatchChallenger this allow develop new technologies, theory and analysis. It's a pixel art and old school game. Our work is concentrated on the gameplay, creativity, performance and self hosting.
The contributors will funds the project to pay professional to work on it and have large and great open source content.
What We Need & What You Get
My personal roadmap as professionnal IT developer should be done by more than 9 senior developer. 30K€ to cover the taxes and decent income by years by developers, mean: 810K€ for 3 years of developing.
30K€ for a designer, 30K€ for a system administrator and 5K€ infrastructure cost, 10K€ for the music, 5K€ for a story writer. All of that's by years, on 3 years. Mean: 240K€.
This is for middle price range worker, not the best worker. Rounded by 850K€ because I will assume the work of sysadmin and some developers as I have done for the version 1. The version 1 is under GPL3, and all commit of this version 2 will be too under GPL3. The version 1 have more than 5MB of code, 3 years of work.
The game don't have realtime part. That's give advantage on 3G/wifi connexion or into the tiers world. You can play Player vs Player, Team vs Team, your team can own city and clan hall. You have fight, farming, explore, crafting, trading, commerce, management, competition... and you are free to play in your style. The orientation of self hosting, bot allowed, will stimulate the content creation by the community. The version 1 is very good grade anonymity, performance and security quality, and work perfectly over i2p with more than 5s of latency.
If the goal is not reach, the remaining funds will go to tiled editor, linux foundations and all OSS security project like grsecurity, libreSSL, ...
The Impact
The funds raised will allow the creation of a high quality software. As Ultracopier, the research/new technologies is under public domain for everybody, the code is open sources, and the art work is free to be used into other game. The protocol conception, analysis is useful for other protocol conception (like http2).
Risks & Challenges
The main risk is to not respect the deadline of 3 years. I have already work and master this on professional part, but with complete developer team. The challenger is create new and better technologies to improve the bandwidth used, improve the client and be very more competitive than other MMORPG for cost.
Usage of xz, untrusted mirror (to anybody can mount mirror to help with the bandwith), help on that's. But remain other technologies like tree/list of server/database to make. The estimation of the time is based on version 1 progression.
Other Ways You Can Help
Even if the funding is more important as this point, you can contribute by coding (mostly for the client part), talk about this open source project and their technologies.