Strange idea, don't like it.
Your life view is wrong and limited.
There is nothing that you could not like about it.
I dont know.. ive been thinking about it lately. It's pretty mind blowing. Like, how would you experience being "reanimated"?
And if you had a sickness, like a degenerative sickness... then what would happen?
I dont know, we can't even cure baldness yet, so how are we supossed to aim for this?
If they can reanimate the bodies, it would only mean that humanity has advanced enough to achieve immortality.
I find it's useless to preserve only the head. What for? thats creepy as hell. Might as well preserve the whole thing, but preserving the whole thing is too expensive.. whats the exacty price for that?
How much do you pay monthly?
What the hell would happen if the company goes bankrupt? what would they do with all the heads/bodies?
Well i think it works as a 'pause' button. Humanity wouldn't achieve immortality at all. This doesn't make your life longer in years, rather it makes your life span longer.
Theoretically you aren't alive while preserved.
How about you ask the company? Their employees will probably eat the bodies for breakfast.