Here is the white paper AnimalsThe animals are allocated in the Blockchain Ethereum Classic. The user can purchase genetic mutants (duck-hares, eagle-horses, mouse-lizards) in the shop with Ethereum Classic. If you would like to create the mutants then proceed to laboratory and purchase the normal animals - lions, bears, wolves, foxes and other. Now for free!!
The animals – who are they?These are lovely beasties, born with the help of genetic mutation. The game has the following objectives:
- Accumulation of the animals within the natural habitat
- Purchasing the mutants in the shop and earning money by each sale of a mutant of the same breed (for instance – the duck-hares)
- Creation of new mutants out of regular animals or mutants.
Purchasing of the mutants
To buy the mutants follow the link you can find the shop of crypto mutants – these are the ready - to - use bred mutants, crossed with other animals.
Breed - is a type of an animal, usually denoting the animals out of which the mutant was crossed – such as the Duck-Hare or others.
Price - is the cost of a mutant in Ethereum Classic (the user can create a wallet Ethereum Classic by the link, you can buy Ethereum Classic on the Stock Market)
Earn - is the number of Ethereum Classic which you would earn if somebody else would purchase an animal of the same breed. For example, if you have already bought a Duck- Hare in official shop and somebody else buys a Duck-Hare too, then you would receive 0.003 ETC. In case if 100 users purchase a Duck-Hare, then you would receive 0,3 ETC.
You can withdraw your profit by calling the function “getReward” with the help of a service and your wallet, which shall receive ERC721 token after purchasing.
IPFS Image means that an image of your animal has been registered in Inter Planetar File System, in the distributed file sharing system.
Blockchain BMP 16-bit image of an animal is registered in the Blockchain Ethereum Classic.
To buy a mutant press on the button “Adopt”
In case if you haven’t yet installed the MetaMask plug-in, then an instruction for the manual interaction with the contract Ethereum Classic would appear (now meta mask not working, we are testing our node).
1). Enter the link Enter 0x52fe9fEE9370136AFf8B9e8467a44715ba44ec03 in the field “Contract Address” (that is an address of a contract with the animals in the network Ethereum Classic).
3). Copy an interface to the contract in the field ABI/JSON (the one that is opened by the link) and insert it.
4). Select the function of a Smart-contract Adopt from the list.
5). Unblock your wallet in a proper way, such as, for example, through your wallet-file and introduction of a password (the service MyEtherWallet Classic is a public official provider and we don’t have access hereto).
6). Enter ID of an animal which you want to buy in the field pet-ID.
7). Press on the “Write”
. Enter the price of an animal from an inscription “Price” in the field “Amount to Send”
9). Press on the “Write”
10). In case if the transaction is processed successfully, you would receive ERC721 token at your account – the animal is yours!!
11). An instrument for the review of animals shall be developed within the shortest possible time. At the present moment you can call in the function of a contract “Owner Of” and enter your pet-ID – it must return your Wallet-address.
Besides, the user can read the descriptions. Enter your pet-ID- it would return the description of an animal
Names - Enter your pet-ID - it would return the name of an animal
Breed - Enter your pet-ID - it would return an index of a breed of an animal
Acceptance of rewardBy calling in the function checkReward and entering your address you can find out the value of reward in Wei (to receive the prize in Ethereum multiple the number by 1000000000000000000)
To receive your reward unlock the wallet where your ERC 721 token is allocated (the one from which you had bought your animal) and call in the function getReward.
Transfer of an animalYou can transfer an animal to another wallet (as well as sell or give it as a present) by calling in the function “Transfer” and entering an address of receiver and the pet ID.
Crossbreeding of animalsEnter the link Buy two animals just like by Purchasing of the mutants
Enter your E-Mail and pet-ID of the first and the second animal (they must be connected to the same Ethereum Classic wallet).
After merely 1-7 days this pair would create a new animal, which would appear in the Mutants’ Shop And the most important – a new ERC721 token of a mutant shall be accounted to your wallet and you shall become the first owner of a mutant, hence you would receive the profit from each sale of this mutant!!!