Transfering control back to the people, an uncontrollable monetary system that from a few years back caught the attention of the financial industry demanding crypto currency to be heavily regulated or banned in some countries. The regulation of exchanges seem in order as the conversion to world currencys take place...However, we have yet to see the full effect of regulation
We get the power of control yet we can use it into real world because when these currencies come to the end porta of real world then there is no connection between them and virtual world. Then starts different regulations, imposing the illegal tender status in many countries or heavy taxes to be paid for the crypto earnings.
Do you think such monetary funds is fun to earn? As long as crypto currencies are in the form of crypto then yes we have full control of them and we can use them the way we want. You send big chunks, small chunks, receive in the same manner, keep as much as you want and no questions will be asked to you!