We all know that very few people are using Bitcoin to pay their bills, but some people are using it to buy drugs or subvert elections. Research shows that illicit activity accounts for less than 1 percent of the overall transactions,of that small portion, scam make up the overwhelming majority of cryptocurrency related crime including money laundering, terrorism, trafficking, or other unlawful activities.
One of the most widespread but false notions about crypto is that it is mostly used by bad actors for illicit financing: https://blog.coinbase.com/fact-check-crypto-is-increasingly-being-used-for-criminal-activity-and-is-a-haven-for-illicit-856a71dfb399
The title and content of the post are opposite. Could you please change your title to something like ' Is crypto being used for criminal activities ?'
Ever since 2014 the usage of cryptocurrencies for criminal activities have decreased and trading and investments in cryptocurrencies have increased drastically.
Over the past few years the amount of people trading crypto is growing every day. Cryptocurrencies have changed it's direction quite rapidly.
But yeah I was quite surprised to read that the number is less than 1% now.