How if there will be less than 100 tickets sold when the time runs out? Will you do the draw and give the winner $1,000 which means that you will have to spend $900 from your own pocket to pay the winner? And how about the drawing system? Are you using provably fair system to draw? '
"Lottery ends: 31 December 2022 00:00
"Timezone: Europe/Madrid" and it's 1Year/0Months/2Weeks/4Days/14hours/57minutes/**seconds"
That was right at this moment, limited to 1k tickets and only 1 ticket has been sold and only have 1 winner right after waiting more than a year. Is that interesting? You don't know either what will happen to this site after a year. In fact, lottery casino platforms at this moment don't have an interest to the most gamblers because the chances of winning are quite low.
But well, good luck with this.