I am Gabi, the owner and the founder of
cryptospaceinitiative.org project .
I am proud to introduce to you this project that can help ISS- International Space Station and the students that want to attend to NASA’s space programs.
The idea is live on
cryptospaceinitiative.org, but I will tell you the summary:
The visionOur goal is to create the first constellation of satellites running a grid network that would orbit the Earth and Help
ISS- International Space Station to process huge amount of data much faster.
ISS gathers all the data using a large number of sensors and then wait the best time to send the data on Earth for processing. And I am talking about computer farms with Petaflops of CPU power available.
But, what if we launch a constellation of satellites that are in permanent sync with the ISS, then, the ISS can send the data much faster for processing.
I would love to spread the word as it's been thrill to work on this. Here is a short piece that
Cointelegraph.com did:
http://cointelegraph.com/news/115237/nasas-mining-pool-might-soon-be-a-constellation-of-satellitesI can only hope that this present interest for you as much as it does for me and I would appreciate your feedback regarding this.