Thank you for sharing this great read.
Being from a Asian region my self, I have personally witnessed many of the scenarios described in the article shared. Quite a significant number of people in my country leave for overseas employment and I have observed the remitting of money from abroad and the high chargers associated with it being a real problem especially among people who go abroad for meager earnings.Its bad enough them leaving their loved ones in search of greener pastures but they also have to forego a significant charge monthly to get the monies to their family.
I cant agree more with what the article mentions about mobile phones and I strongly believe this would be one of the most compelling reasons for cryptocurrencies to have a far and wide reach in coming years. I honestly wish it would do so very fast and that would provide and make life easier for a lot of the people who are consumed by unfair banking systems and practices and make life easier for the unbanked population.
It is one of the most compelling reasons I love this technology its ability to create change in the world.