The fastest and best way to learn all this is with practice. Try trading for a few weeks with a small amount of Bitcoins, and you'll soon be familiar with how it all works and you'll develop your own ways to profit (you will lose at first, unless you're lucky or a genius, but it gets easier with time).
A buy wall means that there are a lot of buy orders at a given price. Say if someone wants to buy 100000 BTC at 500$, there would have to be a lot of sellers for the price to drop below 500, so its quite safe to invest at that price (unless it's a fake buy wall - there's a lot of strategy involved with this). A sell wall is the opposite.
Dumping means selling a large amount of a coins to outperform buyers, causing the price to drop, and usually the dumpers will buy back after making the price drop for quick easy profits.