
Topic: Crypto Wrestling Inu ERC20 - Helping Wrestlers (Read 43 times)

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Introducing CW Inu: A Token that Supports Wrestlers Around the Globe

Short for Crypto Wrestling Inu, CW Inu is a token that supports professional and trainee wrestlers around the globe.

If you’re a wrestling fan, you know how hard it is for these athletes to make a living in their field. With all the injuries involved, the medical bills alone are sadly hard to cover for many wrestlers—which is exactly the problem this token aims to solve. Every wrestler deserves to get the medical support they need to thrive not only in the ring but also in the gym where most of their training takes place.

If you’re intrigued by the idea of helping the athletes of your favorite sport, keep on reading to find out more about the CW Inu project.

How Does CW Inu Work?

The idea behind the CW Inu project is simple: they want to help wrestlers as well as wrestling companies further the careers of aspiring and up-and-coming talent via sponsorship.

The working method of this project is very simple as well. But before we discuss that, we want to first talk about CW Inu’s tokenomics.

Tokenomics of the CW Inu Project

$CWI is the official token of the CW Inu project. It is hosted on the Ethereum Mainnet network and has a limited supply of one billion tokens. Here are some more important details about the tokenomics of this project:

●   Max Transaction: The maximum transaction limit of this token is set at 1% of the total supply.
●   Max Wallet: The maximum number of tokens a wallet can own is set at 2% of the total supply.
●   10% Buy Tax: The token has a buy tax of 10%. Of that 10%, 5% is spent on marketing, 3% on liquidity, and 2% on development.
●   12% Sell Tax: The token has a sell tax of 12%. Of that 12%, 8% is spent on marketing, 3% on liquidity, and 1% on development.

The Working Methodology of CW Inu

People who buy or sell their tokens ($CWI) must pay fees—which we will discuss later in this post—that go into the marketing wallet. All the funds gathered in the marketing wallet are spent on supporting wrestlers around the world in various ways.

Here are a couple of ways the funds of the marketing wallet will help wrestlers:

●   Direct Sponsorships: These sponsorships will be direct with the wrestlers themselves. Currently, the CW Inu project has direct sponsorships with many wrestlers that you can read about here.
●   Event and Training School Sponsorships: These sponsorships will help support wrestling events and training programs that will help athletes become better entertainers.
●   Sponsoring Wrestlers in Need of Treatment: As we mentioned earlier, many wrestlers have trouble covering their medical expenses. That’s why a big portion of our funds will go to facilitating the physical and mental recovery of wrestlers from all around the world.
●   Growing Awareness: Some of our funds will go to increasing awareness about the issues wrestlers face in their careers. The more awareness we create, the more the wrestling community will thrive.

Why You Should Consider Investing in CW Inu

Are you a wrestling fan? If your answer is a resounding yes, then we’ve got another question for you: do you want to help the athletes of your favorite sport get the help they need to thrive in the ring? Those of you who have answered yes should consider supporting the sport of wrestling by investing in the CW Inu project because it will help solve the most common problems wrestlers face.

The Most Common Problems Wrestlers Face

Here are the three most common problems that the vast majority of wrestlers are facing nowadays.

●   Paying their Career's Expense: Most people aren’t aware of it but unless signed to one of the bigger companies, the vast majority of wrestlers are in-fact independent contractors. This means that any medical bills or expenses other than their appearance fee are usually out of their own pocket. This makes it extremely hard for them to make it in their profession.
●   No Coverage for Time-Off Due to Injury: If a wrestler becomes injured during training, a match, or any place else, they are expected to look after themselves medically and financially. There’s no coverage for their time-off, which makes their lives unreasonably difficult.
●   Facing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic: During the pandemic, most wrestling training schools and smaller promotions have been unable to work as they used to. This has resulted in a lack of funding for the training and development of new and up-and-coming talent.

CW Inu’s Solutions for those Problems

The CW Inu project aims to solve those problems by implementing the following solutions.

●   Providing Financial Support: The CW Inu team will support wrestlers through direct crypto sponsorships.
●   Offering Medical Coverage: They will support both trainee and professional Wrestlers by offering them coverage of their medical expenses.
●   Funding Training Programs: They will donate equipment to wrestling schools and promotions to help them provide the best training possible to their talent. What’s more, they will also provide networks for seminars and training assistance with high-level coaches and trainers.

The Future of CW Inu Is Bright

It doesn’t take an expert to realize that the CW Inu project is destined to succeed. They have a bright future because they have a dedicated team that has created a thorough roadmap to ensure their project’s success. Plus, their project has won the support of multiple popular professional as well as trainee wrestlers, including the likes of the American Hero Kurt Angle.

You can read their entire official roadmap here.

An Official Message from the CW Inu Team

Here’s a word-for-word message from the CW Inu team.

Crypto Wrestling Inu $CWI is built on the Ethereum blockchain and is a direct fork of another meme token called Marshal Rogan Inu. $CWI is a new and experimental meme token and protocol, so please be cautious. There is absolutely no expectation of “profits” as this project is built on a completely decentralized anonymous large group of Wrestling and Crypto Enthusiasts from all around the world. CWI coins are a means to transfer wealth and shouldn’t be considered an investment. 

CWI code is open source and issued with no guarantees. No money was ever raised for the development of CWI and all the work conducted on CWI is done so by volunteers around the world. By trading or acquiring CWI by other means, you acknowledge that this is not an investment into any such company, partnership, or any such centralized entity. CWI is an entirely open-source project whereby anyone is able to volunteer and contribute.

As this project is led by the community, there is nobody solely responsible for the success or failure of CWI. The CWI token has no physical offices or any employees. The network is coded, designed, and run by volunteers from all around the globe, and anyone is welcome to contribute. Furthermore, no ICO ever took place. All code is given away and published as open-source. The group responsible for launching CWI has applied for KYC verification and Audit with

This message clearly explains what the CW Inu project is all about and how it works.

The Bottom Line

Here’s the bottom line. The future looks bright for the CW Inu project thanks to the hard work and dedication of their team and also due to the support they have received from major athletes including the likes of Kurt Angle. The project has all the potential in the world and right now, there are no indications of any obstacles that will stop it from reaching the high level of success we expect it to reach.

To find out more about CW Inu, check out their official website.
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