Hi..I am a newbie to the cryptocurrency field, I know there are so many factors that drives the cryptocurrency price
One among them was the Circulating Supply. Can someone help me in understanding the below concerns
Please do let me know. Thanks and appreciated your help
How is the price of a Crypto is determined using the Circulating Supply?
It is not.
How are they related?
They are not related.
Can we predict the price of a certain Crypto using the supply?
No you can't.
Bitcoin cash has almost the same circulation supply as Bitcoin, yet the price is 10 times lower.
Also there are only 85,738 APW, yet the price per coin is $0.000189 .
However, instead of the supply I'd pay more attention to market cap,
You realize how stupid that is ?
Market cap = (circulating supply) x (price per coin)
So you don't pay attention to how fast you're going, you're paying attention how many miles you're doing per hour.