Arbitragecoins is a big SCAM RUNNNNNN!!!
I have been trying to make a withdrawals for the past two months it has not been successful.
Arbitrage coins only accept your deposits but you can never make successful withdraws. my withdrawals have been in pending state for the past months even after the 2FA.
It is a big scam, they are faceless, No address, they just inserted a fake address on their website recently. they claim to be operating from Malta. They do not provide support. Even when you send them a thousand emails , do not expect a response. the internet is full of criminals. these ones are real criminals. they do not have an identity, no individual’s name is associated with them. they have now dropped their request for user to send their ID and personal details to them before you could withdraw when they only exist in the cyberspace. your details could be used as members of criminal organisations.
People should campaign in the social media to raise awareness of this fraud so that their website could be closed down to stop them from scamming innocent people.