If you need a cryptocurrency exchange without KYC and AML, you can use TorBit. Our exchange allows you to anonymously exchange cryptocurrency without registration and AML checks.
Using TorBit will allow you to exchange Bitcoin BTC without AML and other cryptocurrencies, even if your BTCs have AML risk 100% exchange will be done without silly questions.
Advantages of using TorBit over other exchangersAnonymous exchange - No verification or providing personal information is required to exchange.
AML free exchange - With us you can exchange cryptocurrency with any % AML.
Clean cryptocurrency payout - Our exchanger pays out cryptocurrency from centralized exchanges You will receive cryptocurrency completely clean with 0% AML.
We do not block the exchange - We accept payment to personal wallets, no one has access to them but us, so no one can block cryptocurrency under any pretext.
Small minimum amount - You can exchange any cryptocurrency presented on our exchanger from 15 USD.
Maximum exchange amount - In one exchange you can exchange any cryptocurrency, presented on our exchanger, up to 3 000 000 USD.
Break the chain of exchange - The transaction you send to our wallet will not be related in any way to the transaction we send to your wallet.
No Dumb Questions - We don't care where you got your cryptocurrency from or what you used it for.
You can choose which centralized exchange you get your cryptocurrency from.AML - questions and answers:When exchanging, do you accept client's cryptocurrency to your local wallet, or directly to the exchange account?We accept cryptocurrencies to our local wallet.
Will you block an exchange if my cryptocurrency has an AML tag of 50% or more?We do not have an AML policy, even if your AML is 50-100%, the exchange will be done as standard.
Do you force your users to go through KYC procedures?There are no customer verification or KYC procedures on our exchanger.
Do I need to register for an exchange?There is no need to register to make an exchange on our exchange.
Where do you make cryptocurrency payments from?We send cryptocurrency from popular centralized exchanges Binance, Bybit, OKX, Gate, HTX, Bitget, Kraken.
Can my cryptocurrency transaction be blocked by 3 parties?No, we accept your cryptocurrency on our local wallet which is not accessible by anyone but our exchange, so your cryptocurrency cannot be blocked by anyone.
Can I find a connection between the transaction I send to you and the one you send to me after the exchange?No, your transaction and the transaction we send to you are not linked.
Cryptocurrency exchange site :
https://non-kyc-exchanges-torbit.org/en For greater anonymity when exchanging, use the TOR browser and run our exchanger through a TOR domain
Domain in the TOR browser network :http://lwiwkav5tohd6v6ihrphnrokoxv72oqs6mggiozixr56pw7vt3qi5oqd.onion/en