I have made an account on cryptomi platform.
I liked the interface, it's easy to use and there are lot of features available to customize the website. we can change the theme color for any color not just black or while.
first your terms and condition page is talking like it's a online store not a crypto service provider or crypto exchange. seems like a cheap content writer has written it:
https://cryptomi.io/page/termsAlso a lot of info about the platform is not available like privacy policy page, social media links, partners, about us, every page redirects to home page or link is broken and error shows "page not found"
That terms page I found while signing up on the platform, and on the bottom of the website every link is broken.
services like P2P trading, Staking, are not working maybe because you have not developed them yet because you are new. it is understandable that some of the feature don't work because you are new but it doesn't apply to privacy policy page, and terms of use page.
Also I think your platform is new so there will be no enough liquidity and people to exchange the crypto and trade with.
But I noticed that your platform have trading volume and orders flowing like a big multi billion $ exchanges have. Like binance or Okx. I don't know how.
here is an image for BTC/USDT :
I have not deposited any amount of crypto to test because it seems shady and scammy to me. But I don't know maybe you are legit but you need to work on this, I shared a feedback.