When I claimed them about 2 weeks ago I saw the potential these had. They got registered so fast they were all gone in a few days. All the really rare ones gone in a few hours, unfortunately, before I even got there. Since then. I've witnessed the average sell price go from .05ETH to about .2ETH.. I personally bought some for .1ETH because I saw how fast they were going up. Same reason I spent a dollar each to register them initially in gas as I saw how fast they were all going and had no idea if I'd ever see that money again.
Currently... there's 140ETH in bids on existing Cryptopunks contract...
https://etherscan.io/address/0xb47e3cd837dDF8e4c57F05d70Ab865de6e193BBBThere's an estimated market cap of just shy of $400k, an average purchase of .1947eth and a lot of bids in the .2+ range especially on more rare punks but even .4-.5 on some that don't seem very special at all...
Here's a list of all successful sales (as you can see the average sale has been rising):
http://www.larvalabs.com/cryptopunks/salesThe rare ones is where things get really crazy. The Zombies, which I believe there's about 87 of, right out the door, started trading at 1ETH each. The latest sale... 1.9ETH! (
https://etherscan.io/tx/0x84c0c4b074324a8be3a3b61f36dcecb2db47ee8c5a48d3e70015b6b5647a84ec /
Will it pay off in the end?
Not sure...
I feel like there's a pretty safe bet if the project keeps going as it is these collectibles will go for as much as 1-2ETH for a regular Cryptopunk. I know that someone is attempting to buy one of the Aliens for 10ETH! I feel like that's pretty freaking crazy but whose to say it won't pay off in the end? There's only 8 Aliens...
.2 to 1 eth each would be a 500% increase. I think it's safe to say if you get one now there's a good chance in a month they'll average much more, though.
Here's the project URL if you wanna look more into it: