Hy folks,
i am working currently on something, and i think its time to involve more people in the community into it.
the point is, that the regional national banker cartells have good reasons to ban cryptocurrencies and ICOs, and they will upkeep their banking cartells if cryptoeconomics doesnt upgrade itself.
i have already an idea and a path how to do it.
we create a new type of cryptocurrency that we can then regulate ourselves.
for industrial generative engineering.
i propose calling those token "sources" since their main goal is the upkeep and development of essential productive infrastructure, that is basically the foundation of the IT interconnected urban global community we are currently living in. Only something like that will be able to handle the banker cartells and the fear of the population that depends on them since they are managing the rewards for the regional infrastructure development and maintenance currently.
this is the only way you can in the long-term deal with banker cartels like the chinese government.
you evolve or you die. even the world bank might be able to threaten you if you are not upgrading cryptoeconomics.
you aint going to be successfull with just encrypted "coins" crappy ICO and energywasting mining competition.
i can and will give you more information later about that
we can do this if we do a good job and stay consistenly on it.
the alternative is the current path that, you might destroy you regional bankers cartels but you will end up with a new pyramid of power depictive as the pyriamid of productivity,
this will be a world in which regions that create and maintain industrial productive equipment will basically dominate the world, i know that because i live in such a region
you arent aware about this yet, but you will be later
You miss the idea of cryptocurrency if you say you want to regulate it. Because regulation = centralization, and the whole point bitcoin was ever introduced was because to decentralize it.
i am not talking about full regulation, that individuals cant understand anymore, just enough so that it filters out crappy scammers, energyewasting empty IT systems and creates a quality standard. belive me many that read ico's will love that
we just create a small overviewable codex, to ensure these Infrastructure currencies are beeing used in the productive infrastructure upkeep.
currently the ICOs are regulating all themselves. and investors are kicking their heads against a wall to read all of those.
but for something bigger and more important like productive infrastructure there is no quality standard.
and if you will not do that you will have the national banker cartells sitting in that gap and belive me that gap is powered by fears of billions of people. and it will grow if ico's will abandon them and believe me many will.
you deliver those fears and land a huge success or you simply stay as dragi said about bitcoin "immature"