something very strange happened to me after a big storm.
a few power supplies stopped working (even though I use surge protectors)
Also I noticed one of my miners had some moisture leaking out of it
the stuff that has leaked out has now crystallized like raw sugar
could this be fan bearing fluid from a zap from the storm? if not what else could it be?
I am scratching my head here guys, any help would be appreciated
Got any pictures?
Also what kind of weather cataclysm (lighting strike?) had happened? And what kind of power protectors you use. Simple voltage filters unfortunately don't give enough protection.
Often GPU thermal pads can be leaked.
many lightning strikes over night, it was a big storm, i use standard surge protectors and nothing fancy.
from the consensus it sounds like high humidity, would anyone recommend a certain dehum>
depends on how big your space is, humidity levels, etc
I use this model: