
Topic: Cudaminer and GeForce GTX 570 EVGA overheating (Read 1126 times)

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February 04, 2014, 07:14:52 PM
Thanks for the link, but I have tried cudaminer-2014-02-04 and cudaminer-2013-12-10 and the temperature is the same...95C.  Undecided
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Overheating is mentioned here for your card series Choose a better cudaMiner release
full member
Activity: 139
Merit: 100
could you help me anybody with problem of overheating.
I use cudaminer 2014-02-02 on EVGA 570 with this setting:
cudaminer.exe -H 1 -i 0 -l F30x8 -C 2 -o stratum+tcp:// -O username.password:x   -238khash/s 95-98C

even with auto setting:

cudaminer.exe -o stratum+tcp:// -O username.password:x   - 113-158 khash/s 88-92C

I have Win 8.1 with NVidia driver 332.21

Is not there any setting in NVidia drivers which help me to get temperature down?
Is it only due to airflow in my Case (with opened Case the temperature drops about 5C) ? 

Thank you for any help.
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