Hi all,
Been trying to get my cudaminer config for my GTX 750ti working and failing miserably...I am now at a stage where it 'works' solo mining at least, at around 80 to 90kh/s but doesn't find anything. Just sits there refreshing the hash rates.
And on a pool, I get constant failures - can connect now at least which initially proved a challenge (even though other pools for other coins have been easy) but get constant booooo's
Here's an example pool config, username and password masked.
cudaminer.exe -a scrypt:2048 -d 0 -o stratum+tcp://stratum.ultracoins.info:3333 -u XXXX -p XXXX -i 0 -l T10x5 -C 1 -H 2
Anybody got the slightest idea what I am doing wrong please? I've played with the T10x5 a little and at least got the card stable, although being honest I'm something of a newbie and not completely clear on what these settings do. Can somebody please enlighten me?
Edit - Just had a boooo on solo mining, too
Oh and I'm also using the later version of cudaminer (ie, revised for Ultracoin).
Cheers all.