Our program uses a new formula that has predicted the correct prices of bitcoins since our release 6 months ago. We also calculate current events into the equation as a negative or a positive to make the prediction absolutely perfect.
https://i.imgur.com/nweDnrp.png http://cryptocurrencypredictions.com Our site shows the predicted price of bitcoin on the BTC-E and Coinbase
bitcoin exchanges. Predictions are made by software that uses neural
networks to analyze past bitcoin transactions.
Why use our software?
We can help you with your Bitcoin investments and day trading by giving
you accurate predictions on upcomming bitcoin prices. With this information
you can buy and sell bitcoins in more profitable ways giving you large
returns on your money.
How exactly do you make predictions?
The predictions on this website are created by software that analyzes
millions of bitcoin transactions that have taken place over the past
several years.The software uses a computational model called an artificial
neural network to search through this immense data and find patterns in the
rise and fall of prices.
How accurate are these predictions?
We offer 3 forms of predictions, a 5 day prediction, a 20 day
prediction, and lastly a 24 hour prediction. Each prediction has their own
margin of error the short the predicion the smaller margin of error it will
have. The 5 day prediction is roughly 2.36% margin of error while the 20
day shows 7.169% and 24 hour showing just only 1.128%.
What about real-world events that affect bitcoin prices?
Unfortunately, predictions can become less accurate when real life
events significantly affect the value of bitcoins. This is important to
keep in mind if you are making decisions based on the data on this website.
Although overall the average errors are about 1.1%-7.169