mai sunt unii care canta prohodul. normal sa existe fluctuatii. mai ales cand lucrurile inca nu sunt asezate. si nici nu vor fi prea curand.
cat despre sfarsitul experimentului... mai este mult pana acolo. intr-adevar sunt de acord ca este un experiment. panca cand nu va mai fi. doar ca nu se va opri ci doar transforma.
Am gasit si eu asta does a much better job at explaining all the problems with Bitcoin, but his blog post is quite long. If you have 10-15 minutes to set aside, we recommend reading his blog post. If you don't, here is a short summary of what he says is currently wrong with Bitcoin.
Nu recomand sa pierdeti 10, 15 minute.
► The Bitcoin blockchain (Bitcoin transactions database) is full and the servers cannot process more than 3 payments per second.
Mda cam asa e acum.
► More than 50% of Bitcoin network and computational power is controlled by a large group of Chinese Bitcoin miners.
F2Pool si AntPool sunt intr-adevar din China, dar intra din toata lumea pe ele.
► These Chinese miners are preventing an increase of the basic Bitcoin transaction block to a value bigger than 1MB, mainly due to poor Internet conditions in China, which will decrease their revenue stream.
Problema nu tine neaparat de conexiunile din China. Un bloc de 8 MB trebuie sa se propage intr-o secunda in toata lumea. De cateva luni se voteaza► Coinbase, the largest US Bitcoin startup, has been removed from the Bitcoin website, after trying to increase the Bitcoin's blockchain capacity.
E democratie. Se voteaza nu se impune.
► Projects (Bitcoin XT) aimed at advancing Bitcoin and the transaction capacity are actively being banned from the official Bitcoin forums.
Bitcoin XT e un fork, devine o alta moneda. Nu poti face blocuri de 50 MB acum ca a aparut un spam. Se vor propaga greu.
► Companies deploying Bitcoin XT were "coincidentally" hit by DDoS attacks.
Daca e alta moneda, vorbim de unii care se despart de Bitcoin.
► Talking about Bitcoin XT was prohibited at conferences.
Sa-si faca singuri conferintele, nu sa prosteasca pe altii.
► People that never believed in Bitcoin were given full access to the crypto-currency's source code.
Eu stiam ca e open source. O fi vrand sa zica ca parerile unora care nu erau in domeniu pana acum sunt luate in calcul.
► These developers cannot be removed from their positions.
cgminer e facut de Con Kolivas. Nu e altul in lume mai destept ca el.
La Core lucreaza oameni la fel de capabili.
► Fees per Bitcoin transactions are sometimes bigger than credit card charges.
Doar daca vorbim de a trimite 0.001
BTC, de a spama, putem spune ca fee-ul se simte.
► By not increasing the transaction block size, pressure is put on the blockchain's resources, which indirectly keeps transaction fees up, and even growing.
Fals. Se voteaza. In cateva luni se va implementa un nou protocol, un nou BIP, daca va fi nevoie.
► And the biggest criticism of them all: The people that currently run the Bitcoin Core are planning to allow clients the right to modify transaction details until the transaction appears in the blockchain (Bitcoin transactions database). This means that people can modify the sum or the recipient's wallet address after a payment has been made. Since there are delays on the network (see first point), this can take up to a few hours. Customers can buy anything with Bitcoin, and after they leave the store, they can change the transaction's details and point the money back to themselves, or modify it to zero. As Mr. Hearn puts it, "this makes using Bitcoin useless for actually buying things."
De asta nu stiam. Nu stiu ce sa zic.
Many people in the past criticized the Bitcoin project. This is not something new. But none of those people were of Mike's importance. As soon as his blog post hit social media, impact was immediately felt in Bitcoin's price, which dropped from $440 to $360.
Aici m-a dat pe spate total articolul de pe softpedia.
In ziua aia actiunile erau peste tot in cadere intre 5% si 10% din ce am vazut eu. S-a simtit mai puternic la Bitcoin.
Mike has left the Bitcoin project, has sold all his Bitcoin, and has joined R3, a company that's developing blockchain technology for a conglomerate of banks, together with the Linux Foundation.
Mult succes. Bitcoin versus banci