Only 1 Baby Unicorn Hasher is available and in stock right now.
See the main thread here:
Website In development:
Twitter: @UnicornHasher
Returns are guaranteed in accordance with the ROI description.
Our v1 unit ships out today and customer unboxing photos are coming soon!
JUST ANNOUNCED: Baby Unicorn Hasher, In stock and ready to ship! Limited Quantities available! Look at my feedback and posts I am not a scammer, I guarantee the Baby Unicorn Hasher will ship today and will produce more BTC than my BFL/KnC/HashFast orders COMBINED produced in the first 30 days after payment!!!!!!! GUARANTEED!!!!
Only .035BTC you can own one of a limited quantity of Baby Unicorn Hashers!!!!!!
1 Hand Made Baby Unicorn Prototype in stock USA Only Shipping. New Reduced price .035BTC Again this will produce the same or more BTC than my three ASIC orders listed above produced in the first thirty days after paying for them within 30 days!
SOLD OUT: V1 Baby Unicorn Prototype:
PM Shipping Address and TX ID!!!!
Satisfaction Guarantee, If you are not happy with your new Baby Unicorn we will refund your purchase price in BTC - shipping and assembly costs.
[Please read the main thread before placing an order]