alternativly you can just hook up the replacement fat to the PC's 12v power and it should work fine...
however no speed control. so it will run full speed... full noise.
You say that as if my idea was just that: an idea. Not something I actually did.
Well I did do that. I already said I get very reasonable temperatures. 1065/330 @ 1.2 vcore = 42c core and 67c VRM. It sits completely outside and its often below freezing where I'm at. It's also an open-air case. For comparison, I have a second 5870 @ 1055/330 @ 1.2 vcore = 41c core and 42c VRM with a VF3000A heatsink on it.
I think the 80mm fan is running about 4500rpm if it's connected on the sensor I think it's connected on.