There is pretty even distribution between the miners - the dev isnt interested in donations for development, probably owns far less coins than the miners. I know at least 20% of the supply is waiting for something big to happen.
also it has a niche name, interesting logo: solid black cube
"What is Darkblock?
Darkblock is a coin that will be made based on suggestions made by the community. The coin doesn't need to be funded solely because we have all the resources at our fingertips. We don't take donations either. An example of a suggestion is if someone wants anonymity in the coin, but they specifically don't want it to be tor or darksend; They want something new. We would work with our team and get it done. We will update everyone on the thread on any questions asked and such. There are many more things we can do though besides this. Note that some suggestions might not be possible within our own skill base."
5,000,000 PoW coins
5,000 coin reward per block
1,000 total PoW blocks
45 second block time
No Premine
No hidden premine (we will ask for code review from anyone)