
Topic: _Darkstar - chipmixer is it sponsoring TROLLS and Liars??????????????????? (Read 221 times)

Activity: 252
Merit: 56
It has come to our attention that chipmixer appears to be sponsoring MANY people on that are listed on this thread.

1./ Now keep in mind many of those do NOT deny or refute those observable instances presented there, because they are true

2. These same individuals all appear to be spreading lies and trolling us specifically. THEY REPEATEDLY CLAIMS that our posts that DETAIL those observable instances regarding them and their behaviors are untrue and NONSENSE they also claim that means we are trolling and should be banned.

I would like you to investigate this matter. They repeatedly make these FALSE claims that we have challenged them to present evidence of MANY TIMES and they run away and refuse to present the evidence??

This is spreading false and incorrect information repeatedly and meets the forums definition of trolling. What are you going to do about this.

I would like your answers to INCLUDE observable instances and examples to support any of the counter points you make.

Chipmixer seems to be the main sponsor and main motivator for the double standards trust abuse and 2 tier system that is springing up here.

Can you present here a transparent and clear set of rules that YOU can demonstrate that YOU as the chipmixer campaign manager  investigate personally to ensure CHIPMIXER is not being infiltrated by scammers and scammer supporters, trust abusers and trolls that will damage the reputation of chipmixer long term ??

I would like you to PERSONALLY investing the information presented in the dirty turds thread, and investigate those members that are continuously trolling and spreading false information on this forum.

Like we said. Please bring observable instances that demonstrate any claims we have made are bogus or untrue and WE WILL CHANGE THOSE AT ONCE. We only want to help you ensure chipmixer is not sponsoring some very dangerous scammer supporting trolls and liars here.

There are many FAR MORE HONEST members that do NOT have clear observable instances of UNTRUSTWORTHY behavior that are also capable of FAR better posting quality than you have on your chipmixer campaign.

Surely you want those that REALLY are the most trustworthy (lacking ANY form of documented untrustworthy behaviors) and those that can make the best posts right??? YOu are not simply going to claim at this stage that the OLD TRUST SYSTEM (famous for abuse to the extent we needed a new one, and is even now MORE open to abuse ) is the metric you use??? not that the moronic merit system is all you do to investigate the post quality and true value of members posts right???

We did not wish to embroil you in this BUT since you seem to be hiring a high % of trolls and scammer supporters and those observably guilty of other untrustworthy and unfair actions it seems best to warn you before chipmixer is blamed for the sponsoring a lot of members spreading false information and untrustworthy scum bags.

We await your explanations and reasoning accompanied with evidence that is independently verifiable. If you choose to not wish to become involved that is okay. We will ask chipmixer directly in the next thread if they like sponsoring these kind of members here.

Just because the systems of control are gamed by these types of manipulative and driven untrustworthy types does not mean you need to hire them does it??

Refer to the dirty turds thread and take into consideration only those with chipmixer sigs. If you need futher help focusing in on certain offenders just ask us.

I will populate this thread with chipmixer participants clearly untrustworthy and trolling transgressions as I have the time.

Dark star only or deleted

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