I can’t understand - is there a key in this puzzle? Or do I just need to substitute values and iterate over combinations?
Yep. The other half of the key is on the puzzle above. You need a generator app to decode that. Doing it manually might take you a day to decode it. I check the addresd and still no decode it.
I don't have time to finish it now, as I have a better-paid job to do.
Simple recursive Google search +
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4331092/finding-all-combinations-of-javascript-array-valuesBut be my guess and play with it
// Rewrite console.log to save AND to file.
var fs_cons = require('fs');
var util_cons = require('util');
var log_file_cons = fs_cons.createWriteStream(__dirname + '/_DASH_Priv_Key.txt', {flags : 'w'});
var log_stdout_cons = process.stdout;
console.log = function(d = '') { //
log_file_cons.write(util_cons.format(d) + '\r\n');
log_stdout_cons.write(util_cons.format(d) + '\r\n');
// recursion
function* reccc_hash(head, ...tail) {
let remainder = tail.length ? reccc_hash(...tail) : [[]];
for (let r of remainder) for (let h of head) yield [h, ...r];
const s1 = ['L', 'k', '5', 'm', '9'];
const s2 = ['8', 'b', '8', 'a', 'm'];
const s3 = ['p', 'F', '1', 'E', 'W'];
const s4 = ['z', 'G', '0', '6', 'a'];
const s5 = ['u', 'X', '8', 'X', '4'];
const s6 = ['M', 'i', '9', '5', 'e'];
const s7 = ['M', '2', '4', 'p', 'q'];
const s8 = ['z', 'O', 'C', 'o', 'Z'];
const s9 = ['g', 'k', '2', 'C', '7'];
console.log(...reccc_hash(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5));
// Output needs to be properly formatted and then run as
// console.log(...cartesian(s6, s7, s8, s9));
// FInally concatenate 7qcSjq5t2ehUDzHWuN6nVWBspJ + 1st results + 2nd results >>> Import into a wallet