If you look at the last 24 hours there is still plenty of variation to make decent returns, however Tradehill is not very dynamic now. There is some action for sure, but the bulk of the orders are relatively far from the price. What's interesting is that there is more bids than asks, meaning that the delayed dwolla effect has been slowly painting the board blue.
When you consider the MtGox effect this makes a lot of sense, as the key indicator is now dark and a large source of bitcoins and USD has been sequestered.
For me I am more in it for the hobby of it. I am relatively conservative and adjust my strategy according to the day's patterns. The funny thing is that I am actually in a casino now for a conference, and I will not throw a single dime at anything on the first floor, but am perfectly happy making a small 5-10% gain over a few days even if those profits are below my noise level.
Hey dinzy,
Thanks for the insight...I like your small gains approach.
I recently joined Tradehill and am researching whatever charting, and ticker tools are out there. Would you recommend any tools for daily trading?
I recently installed sierrachart tool and am trying to figure out how to make it work with Tradehill data feed.