It was created as meme coin in days when there was not that much projects. Collected great community, good devs, and is now a better product with better adoption than 99.99% of "serious coins". As I stated (funny you did not refer to that):
Here you proof you need to learn about economy more. 14M daily. 5B annually. Seams a lot ... but its not about number of new coins in terms of wealth dilution. Its about % of inflation. 129B is doge circulating supply. 5B is only ~4%. BTC inflation before last halving was 3.6%. Do this calculation with DBC pleace. How much coins will this Supernode mine compared to circulating supply.
I dumped my doges ~60 sat. Will buy back at 25 again. As I said. Its short term overvalued compared to BTC. But i would be more comfortable being exposed to MUSK dump rather than being exposed to DBC team dumping theirs no 0 liquidity, 0 volume market.
Once again. Good research about AI token is not based on marketing moves that team is doing. AI tech that this team promised to deliver is (most likely) not dependent on platform its released on nor on 15% burn. And this AI tech is responsible for 99% long term value. Researrch this AI tech, compare it with FET, AGI, OCEAN, VLX and other competitiors. But compare AI tech not irrelevant, in long term, things.