Earlier this year, some reporters discovered that some of the biggest fans of the FCC's myopic assault on net neutrality appear to be dead:
Others have since continued to dig through the names used to support Ajit Pai's attack on net neutrality -- and continue to find that many of them had never visited the FCC website, had no idea what net neutrality is, or were no longer breathing. Like John Skalski of Sharpsburg, Georgia -- who back in May purportedly submitted this (factually incorrect) comment to the FCC comment proceeding. Note its content is different from the bot-generated comments that had been methodically submitted already:
Image link: https://i.imgur.com/aNWyhp8.jpg
Which is interesting because John is, well, dead:
"However, if you go to his house on 11 Tee Pee Row, you will unfortunately speak to a kind person who will tell you that John has been passed away since 2016 and no one else there has the same name. Unfortunately, that is a fake public comment. I found Mr. Skalski’s obituary later:
Image link: https://i.imgur.com/6Dzj0Sn.jpg
This is where we'll remind you that the FCC has shown no interest whatsoever in investigating any of this. Similarly, when I contacted the agency to tell them someone else had written a fraudulent comment in my name supporting the attack on net neutrality, I was told there was simply nothing that could be done. Combined with the agency's apparently fabricated DDoS attack, there's more than a few indicators that the agency is eager to malign the integrity of the public feedback period in order to try and downplay the massive public backlash to its handout to the telecom industry.
Since the FCC is expected to unveil its full plan ahead of Thanksgiving for what will likely be a vote right before Christmas, contacting your lawmakers on this subject remains of utmost importance. Should the FCC decide to ignore the public and dismantle the protections anyway, it seems more than likely that this recent necromancy will play a starring role in the inevitable lawsuits to come.
Another perspective on net neutrality.
It appears that many of the comments made against net neutrality on the internet are made from accounts of people who have no real opinion on net neutrality. In some cases, they're being made from accounts of people who literally passed away years ago. This could be a frightening precedent in that many of the comments linked to articles or youtube clips posted on the internet could be bots and there would be no way to differentiate real from fake content.
Many may not recognize techdirt as a news media site, back in the day they were one of the most independent and legitimate media sources. Somewhere along the line, they abandoned their independent slant and stopped reporting on topics which went against the pro establishment grain. Now it appears, they might be embracing their former independent selves.