I've been thinking about this one for a while.
I'm not a cryptography expert or anything, but I have been using cryptocurrencies for practical reasons for roughly a year now. The main reason I use them is for little things like paying friends back for lunch and stuff.
I'm not into trading crypto amateur-ly either, but I know a few people who are. They used to complain about a lot of things, namely "the flippening", but nothing major. This is what tripped me up. A big problem I've noticed is that several different exchange platforms will often list different prices for the same coin at once. Volatility of
BTC and similar cryptocurrencies are the root cause. This isn't just a minor inconvenience.
As more and more people are trying to find ways to make crypto appeal to the general public and make platforms that are user-friendly, people like myself will find it hard to determine one true price of a cryptocurrency. For traders, they won't be able to chart prices -- making any sort of long-term trading nearly impossible. Thus, many professionals that I know look upon bitcoin as a "scam" due to its unpredictability. I would like to disagree, but their concerns are legitimate.
Again, I'm not an expert with crypto, so hate on me all you want for this part: what if a service compiled the prices of most major coins from the major exchange platforms and took their average, updating the price every ten seconds? It wouldn't be perfect, but it could bring people a little bit closer to feeling secure about knowing prices.
This could help many of the startup future exchanges I've seen advertised on here, like Bitfuturex (bitfuturex.com). It looks like an amazing idea, but with such volatility and confusion regarding coin prices, it is unlikely to become a reality.
Please give me some feedback on this. If it sounds like a good idea, I'd like to turn in into a reality. I really do think that price uniformity is an issue that could hurt a lot of entrepreneurs who want to bring their ideas to life. I'm not looking to become the next major BTC executive, but I do want to help my friends and some of the startups on here out.